Monday, August 09, 2010


Wasn't your birthday this weekend? If so, Happy Belated. We had a party for you at Alex's yesterday. You didnt show though.


Eric said...

Happy Birthday to you both.

Nick D said...

J you need to get on facebook so we can remember when your birthday is...

Happy Bday boys!

Adam said...

Happy Birthday guys! Jae, don't fall victim to the Facebook virus. Just use Jenny's to stalk people.

Leighton said...

Happy birthday to both!

Jae said...

it was, i was anxiously awaiting my happy birthday post all day. i quietly wept myself to sleep saturday evening when it didn't come. i refuse to get on facebook and contend that information should be posted on the blog first and facebook second.

Alex said...

Thanks guys!

Alex > Jae

Nick D said...

Well played Alex.....

Andrew said...

Ah shit. I completely FUBARed that up. Spring Hill, FL is not exactly a mecca of anything except chain restaurants and weirdos. Happy Birthday Jae.

Rory said...

Happy late birthday Jae