Monday, June 14, 2010

Website Suggestions

Hey guys I have a question for you and I am not sure if I have asked this before, if so sorry just deal with it and answer again. So Irene is looking to get a website up and running to try and help promote her side business of designing wedding dresses. Now in terms of functionality it does not right now need to be a full blown business website. For her the most important thing would be to display and protect her portfolios/pictures and perhaps have the ability to have a little bit of freedom within the pages to try and be creative. She also needs the ability to have a section describing her background and tell potential clients what she can do for them. Also, since she is not trying to go all out on this right now cost is obviously a concern.

Just curious to see if you guys have came across anything or might have any suggestions..thanks for your help.

We also plan to have a section dedicated to making fun of that should help.

Nick D


Jae said...

what about making a facebook account for her business? i don't know how configurable it is since i don't have one, but i know it is free.

Logan said...

Good idea J. Other than that, she can buy a domain ~$15/year, then she'll have to host it. We use Yahoo here at work. Its $10/month. But then you'll have to get someone to build your site. Unless you have skills like Enrique or J. Hell, I even built a few sites.

Logan said...

Or set up a blog. Or that thing that Eric posted a while back...

Nick D said...

She bought a domain name already ( and she does have a host site, but the site is not very configurable at all. Her contract is up with the host site very shortly.

I do like the blog idea Logan I will tell her to look into. Using facebook kind of scares me a little since she has a personal account she would have to come up with some alternate name for her "business" account in order to keep the two seperate. Plus then people could find her personal account, which is probably not business appropriate.

Logan said...

I see... It expires on the 14th of July.
You can get a lot of info about someone using a web address....

I now have your address, her phone number and email.

Whats wrong with her site now?

Nick D said...

Hmmm...well that is a quick way to gain a stalker.

Well she just wanted the ability to add some more images because some of the pages look rather bare. Obviously down the road she will have to step it up a level and have some nerd help design one.

Nick D said...

Logan just out of curiosity how did you get that information?

Eric said...

Click Here or google "whois" as in "who is".

Nick D said... there any way to remove that information? Is that information she provided to GoDaddy when she registered?

Logan said...

You have to pay your host (go daddy) to make it hidden. Can probably find most of that info elsewhere on the web anyway.

Nick D said...

Yea very true. Thanks.