Tuesday, November 09, 2010

[L] - And all is right with the world

Did anyone else see the show last night? He kind of limped in with the quality of guests for the first show, but I thought he was funny. The jam session with Jack White kicked ass, it would be cool if he played along with his musical guests on a regular basis.


Jae said...

I was wondering if you were gonna make a post on that. I know you're a huge Conan fan. Unfortunately, I don't get TBS so couldn't watch the show. I'm just glad he is back on the air.

Nick D said...

How do you not get TBS? J you are bringing a child into this world in the 21st century...TV is a must.

Jae said...

exactly, cable is so 20th century :P

Amanda said...

Unfortunately I only saw up to the post-monologue segment before falling asleep, but I definitely thought it was great. Not a big fan of the interview part anyhow, although I'm bummed that I missed the jam session. That's a good article, except for the Ricky Gervais thing - I thought that was hilarious!

Eric said...

Here's the Jack White performance on youtube