Monday, April 05, 2010 - Congressman Plans to File Complaint Against Anti-Obama Doctor - Congressman Plans to File Complaint Against Anti-Obama Doctor

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Andrew said...

Congressman Grayson is an absolute crack pot. My favorite part of this is that Grayson is helping a constituent sue, because the Dr. violated the Hippocratic oath. While I am sure there is a moral violation of the Oath, I do not think you can prosecute based on that. Also, I believe, doctors no longer take the Hippocratic oath. Even the Florida Department of Health says there is no legal basis for a lawsuit. Ugh, I hate people.

Logan said...

As of Casey's class, they still take the oath. But the oath says nothing about political orientation. Hey, if I ever need an urologist, I might just make the drive to see him!

Alex said...

It seems like as long as he does not refuse to see anyone then he will be fine. Plus, how would he know who somebody voted for unless that had it plastered on them or they told him?

Anyway, I am with Logan. That is my kind of doctor.