Wednesday, December 22, 2010

[L] Merry Christmas, Pats fans...

... and/or non-fans of Peyton Manning (all others need not read - you surely won't find it as awesome as, say, Eric and Adam will).


Jae said...

nice post amanda. i hate the whole manning clan so it's good to see some one doing the leg work to chip away at his manning-sized ego.

Adam said...

Agreed, but I really think this shows how much better the whole Patriots organization is than the crappy Colts. I think if Brady lost a head coach, he'd see a decline like Peyton

Eric said...

This is a well done article that hammers home a point that everyone already knew. Brady > Manning. Let's hope that trend continues, I need him to keep performing the last two weeks of the season even though they've clinched home field or else my top ranked fantasy team will suffer.