Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Moving (literally) On

Well as some of you may know I went on a job interview in Tampa and as of today I officially accepted the job. I tried my hand in sales in a tough market and it was not going great so I started looking elsewhere when this job came out of nowhere. It all happened pretty quick I went on the interview last week and got the job offer yesterday. I will be going to Tallahassee beginning of June for a couple of months of training then after our lease is up July 31st will be moving to Tampa as they just opened a office there. It is a insurance company named Star and Shield specializing in selling insurance to first responders (Fire rescue, Police and EMT). There is some risk involved as this company is still young, but they have been very successful and are ran by people with tons of insurance experience and have some great financial backing from some well respected insurance companies. If things continue as planned it will allow me to be on the ground floor of a company that is looking to be a multi state company in the next year or two with huge growth potential.

Also, good news is Irene already has a job interview at Nieman Marcus, but if that does not workout she will probably just find a 9-5 someplace and really concentrate on being a independent bridal designer. She will also still probably still do some designing and consulting work for the boutique here in Charleston as the dress she designed for them has been selling really well. So if you know anybody who wants a chance at a custom made wedding gown on the cheap don't be afraid to ask ( hint hint Amanda haha no pressure for real)

So there ya go ladies and gentlemen I will be seeing most of you a lot more frequently, which is awesome and will be able to fly out to the North (or West) much easier now. Peace out.

Nick to the D

PS Rory I am working on letting you move up to Tampa and live with me and Irene..stay tuned....


Alex said...

Congrats on the new job and the move! Hopefully you have better luck down here.

Are you planning on living in Tampa? Josh recently moved back so he may be more aware of good places to live. When the time comes, if you need help moving stuff in, let Ashley and I know.

Rory said...

Dude that's awesome! I knew you'd eventually come back to me. Haha.

Nick D said...

Yea we will probably try to live in the South Tampa area. Joshua I will probably be calling you in the next 3-4 weeks to get your take on it. Thanks for the offer Alex I may have to take you up on it.

Rory I only got one word for you...Destiny

Logan said...

Congrats Nick! See you in about a week.

Adam said...

Wow, that is crazy! It sounds like a great opportunity though. I'm glad that you threw in the towel when you saw a good opportunity too. I'm sure your parents will be happy to have you closer. This makes things easier for visiting. The more of you that live nearby the more people I get to see when I visit!

Rory, I'm happy for you as well.

Andrew said...

Congrats Nick, that is some awesome news. Going home to visit the parents is just getting more and more entertaining as everyone is moving back to the region. Best of luck in your new gig and I am sure Irene will kill it at Neiman's. You should have my mom call up there, she spends a small fortune at that store.

Nick D said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nick D said...

Dang accidently deleted it.

Haha nice one Adam.

Leighton said...

Congrats buddy!! Nice to know you guys are getting Tampa ready and primed for when Holly and I move there:) Let me know when you need help moving.

Josh said...

South Tampa is awesome, but also like an alcoholic friend always inviting you out for a beer. My couch is very comfortable if you need a place to stay while you are looking for a place. I am also available for moving assistance. Congrats on the job.

Jae said...

Congrats Nick, now maybe Josh can drag some of the b-town folks up to Tampa more often.

Here's the comment that you accidentally deleted:

"Thanks guys very excited about it.

Drew ask her who she generally works with because that is how Irene got this interview. Brendens fiancee's mom drops some serious dime there and that is how Irene got this so if she can name drop Moma Fasoli as well I am sure that can't hurt.

Irene is meeting with Melissa who is the manager of the Contemporary division whatever the hell that means."

Nick D said...

Thanks J

Sweet I mostly remembered what I typed I was just lazy haha...