Thursday, December 16, 2010

Warrior Dash {L}

What's up my blogging friends. Me and a couple of people up in Tampa were thinking about doing this event that is linked above. We are probably going to be signing up before the New Year let me know if you are interested. It seems to fit the idea of a good time: Close, Affordable and Fun. Also, if we convince Rorina to do it we can place bets on who wins out of us two. Let me know....

Nick D ( Saint Nick) this time of year.....


Adam said...

My bet is that both you and Rory will get Malaria. Looks pretty cool though! I would be down for the beer drinking, not so much the running.

Jae said...

nick you find some crazy races. that looks harder than hell but it's totally worth it for the warrior helmet.

Andrew said...

You people are crazy but if anyone wants to do the race in MD, they are more than welcome to stay with me.

Amanda said...
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Amanda said...

I forwarded this link to a bunch of my members last month... we were trying to get a group together but I forgot that I'll be in Iowa that weekend. I'm pretty bummed to have to miss it because it looks freaking awesome, but a handful of them are still going (dressed as characters from The Big Lebowski, I believe). Should be a good time!

Leighton said...

That looks pretty fun. Reminds me of the Mud Run they have here in Jax, but the Mud Run is about 6 miles. Very popular event up here and very fun.

Nick D said...

Well once again only one person who is "in town" responded, typical bitch Bradenton people ( I expected more out of you Alex)

However, I just found out it is the same weekend as Gasparilla and that is something I have always wanted to do. So I have some thinking to do.

Amanda said...


Amanda > Eric/Alex/Logan >>>>>>> Rory

Nick - there are waves on the 30th as well, which wouldn't be very fun to do if you are massively hungover, but it's an option. Might want to take Monday off from work though :)

Nick D said...

Haha well done Amanda...

I did not know it went both days good to know, but also good call on the hungoverness.

Eric said...

I'm interested in doing this with you Nick, I just wanted to see what Alex was thinking (who is at his brother-in-law's wedding for the week, so he probably hasn't seen this). We'll be in touch.

Jae said...

brother-in-law's wedding? please explain. only thing i can think of is andrew has a brother who is getting married.


Eric said...

it's Ashley's brother

Jae said...

*smacks forehead*

jae /= 2

Nick D said...

Sounds good Eric. J that first equation was hilarious and your second one...deserving.

Alex said...

As Eric said I am out of town, so I am obviously late responding.

The race sounds like a lot of fun, but I am VERY out of shape. I know y'all are thinking that it is only 3 miles but I know I can't run that far without stopping frequently.

However, I am interested and would be willing to discuss this outing with everybody.

Amanda said...

Well my initial thought was,"it might take me 2 hours, but it'd be a cold, muddy, fun as hell 2 hours"... plus there's a fuzzy warrior helmet and beer in it for you. So I'm sure you all are up for it!

Leighton said...

Shit, who cares how long it takes! 3 miles isn't that long when you consider all the times you get to stop and do a cool obsticle. Let the people who are actually trying to 'race' worry about time. Everyone else just not take it too seriously.