Saturday, May 08, 2010

New Game

Hey guys,
So I saw a trailer for Red Dead Redemption. Any thoughts? I am definitely a western fan and it looks cool. Not sure what the multiplayer will be like. Let me know what you think.


Alex said...

I'm in. Sounds like a new GTA.

Adam said...

Sweet. As long as someone else is interested, I'm in. Plus I signed up for Amazon Prime when I bought my netbook, so I am trying to make the most of it.

Eric said...

You have died of dysentery.

Rory said...

I already reordered it. The reviews are saying that it's awesome and even better than GTA4.

Alex said...

I like Eric's reference to Oregon Trail, and just to let you know I plan on hunting for all my food and I will ford every river. Because that's how men play.

Adam said...

I plan on killing 2 tons of buffalo and then only being able to take 50 lbs with me. And I am going to spend all my money on boxes of bullets so I can't afford medicine for my dying family.

Adam said...

So I was watching this preview thing on G4 and it said in multiplayer that you can go on group hunting expeditions. And instead of clans like in COD, you form posses. Bad ass.

Jae said...

i plan on playing for 15 minutes until i die from starvation then going back to working on english homework.