Wednesday, June 02, 2010

[L] Meyer's Health Problem Diagnosed

I'm glad we didn't end up losing him over something that is easily treatable with medication.


Alex said...

That's weird. I could have sworn that he was depressed and going through withdrawal from having to pull Tebow's penis out of his own ass.

Too bad Tebow is in Denver...long distance relationships are a bitch.

Sorry fellas...I couldn't resist. ;)

Jae said...

that jealous streak runs pretty deep when you gotta pull tebow in even when he's out of school.

Nick D said...

Well played Alex haha...but seriously though glad he is seemingly Ok.

Alex said...

Not jealous...Tebow never beat my team! :)

Insert retort from Rory and Logan that Tebow only started one game against Auburn so only one win counts. Even though Tebow played in both games. (That should help avoid further discussion.)

Although, I am glad Meyer is OK. I don't wish harm on the guy, and his presence in the SEC makes the conference stronger. However, I do not feel the same way about Saban...if he got hurt, I would probably throw a party.

Andrew said...

Very odd that he is revealing this now. I am no Dr., not even a fake Dr., but I would assume that this would be an easy diagnosis. Wonder if he did this for a reason. Either way, I am glad he is not in serious danger, other than that serious case of anal crabs Timmay gave him.