Friday, October 08, 2010


I am not now nor have I ever been an active poster, but I am an active monitor of this site. I do occasionally post items as occurences of an interesting nature occur, and I am able to frame them in an interesting manner for consumption. I think the highest price paid for the Internet is that any idiot with a keyboard can write anything under the protection and guise of anonymity. I like that fact. The best part of news articles on the Internet is reading the paranoid, racist, homophobic, ignorant, and downright silly comments that follow. The Internet is the proper place for idiocy, it is inocous. I like freedom of speech, but not when it interferes with private personal ceremonies. In this instance I refer to that walking billboard for moonshine abatement that stages protests outside military funerals to spread their message. Being stupid and crazy is not a crime, but doing so at a time when a father is in the process of burying a son used to warrant a brick to the face and police officers looking the other way. Where did human decency go?


Leighton said...

Well said Josh, I agree completely. While the Republican in me will defend your right to free speech, the HUMAN in me is disgusted by how some people choose to exercise it. There is a part of me that wouldn't mind something terrible happening to those people for the simple fact that I want them to see how it feels.

I view freedom of speech as I do a firearm...while I have the right to use it, that use comes with a large responsibility. Unfortunately people have the impression their rights trump everybody else's.

Amanda said...

Who knew Spiderman would teach us about such significant morals?

Leighton said...

Notice I worded it differently...but you are correct Amanda...'with great power, comes great responsibility'...haha

Alex said...

The people who protest at funerals should be punished in a cruel and unusual fashion. I understand it is their right, but my right should be to shoot them in their knee caps.

Spiderman references are awesome!