Friday, April 02, 2010

Another Idiot on Capitol Hill

Just to let y'all know who is making decisions for the US of A. Pay attention at 1:16 into the video.


Andrew said...

I thought Admiral Willard showed his true colors, by giving an answer that did not make Hank Johnson look even more ridiculous. Funny thing was that Johnson beat Cynthia McKinney in 2006 for that seat. Cynthia is even crazier, but in a worse way.

Adam said...

That's so funny. A bunch of my friends have been e-mailing about this video. It is completely insane! What on earth is this guy thinking? It seems like a video you would record of someone after a long night of drinking. I wonder what dimensions an island would have to be not to capsize...

Adam said...

HAhah, I just watched the video again. God bless YouTube. These are the kind of idiots that believe in global warming too. Just wait, in 15 years this guy is going to be the new voice of an environmental movement to stop overpopulation for fear that the continents will tip over and capsize. It sounds about as plausible as what Al Gore talk about.

Jae said...

seeing how quickly this guy speaks it might be more like 25-30 years...