Friday, April 16, 2010

Hand Turkey

Since I am stuck and bored in the Dallas airport I have a few minutes to post. The blog has become pretty political as of late and I would like to offer a warning on hitching your star to the tea party movement. The movement has been hijacked by crazies, not your run of the mill crazies, but tin foil hats, minorities are the enemy crazies. I for one enjoy ethnic food, but I have only myself to blame when Indian food goes bad. If Palin is your banner carrier you have issues. IPhone tried to change palin to palindrome; note palin spelled backwards is alaskan beauty queen with no business in politics. In Alaska sometimes a walrus places in the beauty pageant, so winning is like being the prettiest girl in the burn ward. I was by the four seasons yesterday and both ex-president Bushes were hanging out with the king of Jordan, or so the bartender told me. It explains why there were secret service people locking down the taco diner.


Nick D said...

Well said sir

Adam said...

This post is why people shouldn't have the internet at their fingertips at all times. Nice change of pace though, Josh. So thanks!

Alex said...

I disagree about the Tea Party movement. Even the New York Times did a piece about how the tea party folks are more successful and better educated than most Americans.

Jae said...

so i planned on commenting about the new website to crash the tea party and spread bad publicity through showing up as extremists but instead the website has turned into a place to buy crash the tea party shirts. i'm guessing this website is getting crazy traffic due to the recent publicity so now i'm thinking this was put together by some way-smart businessmen. i wish i would have thought of it. i wonder how well would work? hrmmm...

Andrew said...

Any organization that dislikes the sitting government will have its fair share of crazies. Of course the Tea party has a few nut jobs, so does PETA, Greenpeace, the anti-war demonstrators and I could go on. What the true telling his, how the people of influence and power deal with the group and the crazies. I think it was totally inappropriate and offensive for Bill Clinton to get up and compare the Tea party folks to Timothy McVeigh and the other OKC conspirators. It was a cheap shot, plain and simple.