Wednesday, December 08, 2010

So this is happening again

Urban Meyer is resigning as UF coach. Depending on if this is actually true or just him playing again, Urban might be a bigger douche than Brett Favre.


Nick D said...

HAHA what a spineless coach. I had a feeling this was going to happen under the guise of I can't coach the way I want to with my health being a concern. Well looks like FSU is the only major school in Florida football with a coach.

"When the going get's tough, the weak step down"

Nick D said...

PS I hope you don't hire Mike Leach because I think he is the man....seriously he is good.

Jae said...

fml. drew, i hate you for bringing this to my attention. here comes the return of the zook-era.

Nick D said...

Haha I don't think that will happen J. Maybe the blog is due for another name change now....

Amanda said...

It seems kind of selfish to make the announcement now, when they still have to prepare for a pretty tough bowl game. Especially bc he'll be coaching that game, so there's bound to be a million distractions surrounding the team. I wonder if they'll even want to show up for him after he put them through all this crap.

Nick D said...

Well I bet the seniors on UF show up. Now all the freshman he clearly lied to probably not....

FSU did fire Bobbo before our bowl game and to be honest it is the right move so the university can make a coaching hire in enough time to get recruits on board. Also, the longer he waited the worse off UF was because other potential coaches could have been hired.

Logan said...

Maybe he should just pull a Bowden and stick around for years and years of mediocrity....

Alex said...

UF should be fine. They will probably get Mullen back, but I am also hearing Petrino is a possibility. I don't think Leach is a good choice.

The freshman players should be pissed they signed on for a coach that takes off, but they should have realized you commit to the program, not the coach.

Hopefully, Blakeley will decommit from UF and come join the good guys.

Enjoy this FSU fans! I know I would.

Rory said...

You're right guys, what a selfish and spineless thing to want to be with your family and watch your kids grow up. What an asshole Urban is! And, wow, he is doing this right before a pointless bowl game! I mean seriously, shouldn't he want to make sure he wins the Outback Bowl rather than put Florida is a position for which they have an opportunity to secure recruits. What a dick. Everyone here on this blog at least understands the pangs of coaching a college football team, right?!?. It's strange that a man who has won 2 national titles can't understand that.

Nick D said...

Very true Alex it should be more about the program. However, many kids commit for the coach. Now I am not saying this just because of Urban, but because it is a national thing. Kids are held to a 4 yr commitment while coaches can leave whenever they want. Then again the NCAA is full of shit in just about every way.

Rory this is the same crap he mumbled last year then he "came back" signed a new contract and lied to everybody. I am not saying he is a dick for wanting to leave and spend time with his family, just the way he went about it. Hell at least when Donovan pulled this crap he actually lived up to his word.

Andrew said...

This is the biggest problem I have with college football and basketball. While I do not believe we should be paying players seeing as they are getting a free education, although many do not take advantage of it. Coaches make a commitment to the players and their schools, but move on with total disregard to those commitments. If does really want to spend time with his family and get better, I am all for it. Being a parent is definitely the most important thing. But you must understand the conspiracy theories being thrown around. Urban used these same excuses last year. Personally I will give him the benefit of the doubt but if he signs with a pro team, UF, or another college he deserves all the negative things that come to him.

Leighton said...

Come on...we all know Urban is taking over the Denver job to resume his Tim Tebow

Nick D said...

Haha that would be legendary even more so if they won.