Friday, August 13, 2010

Texas Style Truck {L}

This is what I am talking about I have a feeling they may sell a few of these in the south.

"Why would I want a gun rack? I don't even own a gun none the less many guns that would necessitate a rack"

Nick D > Rory < Logan = Jae 1/2 Alex = 1.5 ( Eric\Christina) = Amanda


Adam said...

So does that mean that Logan and Amanda are of equal importance? Would some Math people clear that up for me?

Jae said...

adam to do that we'd have to get inside of nicks brain. the last guy to do that never came out. it's just not worth the risk. this one will have to remain a mystery.

Logan said...

Not sure abut the math, all I get from it is I'm greater than Rory. I think I'd want my guns pointing the other way though in that case.