Wednesday, June 16, 2010

3D you say Eric? (L)

My Dad just got the TV in that link. It's really pretty cool. I can't wait to see some soccer in 3d


Nick D said...

Cool you have to let us know how it is.

Jae said...

i'll be over in 4 hours

Eric said...

Yeah, that would be great to have a bunch of people over for a game! Oh wait... everyone would need a $150 pair of glasses... I guess I'll just have to sit there and watch a headache inducing blur instead.

3D = gimmick until they come out with a set you don't need glasses for.

Jae said...

in japan they had an interesting thing at the movie theater. it was a circular room (maybe 25 -30ft in diameter) with ~10 swivel chairs in the middle. it played 15 minute short 3d films for cheap ($2-$3 i think). you still had to wear glasses, but the entire screen was 3d all around you. they played a few different shows one of which was a scary movie. those of you that know me know i didn't actually see the scary movie, but they also had a monitor set up outside looking into the room. it was probably more enjoyable watching the people get scared than get scared myself :).

Logan said...

It works fine for my parents when 99% of the time, there are only 2 people watching anyway. They need to make a screen to put over the tv so that everyone can see the 3d. Wonder how that would work?