Wednesday, September 08, 2010


Is anyone going to Gainesville for the game?


Eric said...

Nope. I'd rather not be the victim of a terrorist attack. I'll be watching it from the relative safety of Bradenton.

Jae said...

i'll be watching it from an even safer location all the way across the country on

Adam said...

I might be out of the loop here. What is this terrorism business about? Now the blog will be on some government watch list.

Nick D said...
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Nick D said...

The Hillbilly UF fans are going to have a Koran (spelled like somebody with a mullet would) burning party on 9/11.

Eric said...

Not exactly Nick... a specific Pastor in Gainesville, Terry Jones, has made a public spectacle of his planned Quran burning to take place on Sept 11th.
Here's a recent article.

Adam said...

I like when Nick makes references to spelling. Oh yeah, that idiot guy. I saw that he was in Gainesville. I think the terrorists have more class than wasting their time with that guy.

Andrew said...

It was canceled. Good politically, the last thing we need is a "rally round the flag" moment for this President. And yes, I hate terrorism not for the lives lost but for political implications.

GO Bulls?

Jae said...

As Drew said, plans cancelled

Nick D said...

Nice big weekend in college football who else is excited?

Rroy sckus dcik

Jae said...

i am excited. but it's been a while since i've felt like we could easily lose. it sucks coming off the tebow high but i guess i shouldn't complain. it could be worse; i could be a noles fan.