For those of you that haven't already heard, we're expecting! We made the announcement to everyone present at Nick's party this afternoon. Christina is currently at the 12 week mark and the due date is July 7th. I recently acquired the domain and have started a blog for keeping family and friends up to date on the pregnancy and eventually the new addition to the family. If you would like access, email me at eric(at) and I will send you an invite. Merry Christmas everybody!
Congrats guys! I will expect all the updates when we hang out. ;)
Yessss I can finally go public with my excitement to be an aunt! Still beside myself with happiness for you two as well.
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!
atta boy rick!
so happy for you both :)
Congrats Eric and Christina. That is very exciting news. I am super excited for you.
Holy Crap! Congratulations guys! That is really fantastic. Now Jae and Jen's baby will have someone to play with. So happy for you both!
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