Sunday, July 25, 2010

So I got a puppy!


Amanda said...

Ahh she looks like a polar bear, I just want to squeeze her.

Jae said...

i'll ask the crazy question, what happened to your other dog (the yellow lab rescue)?

Logan said...

Moby went back to the lesbos. He couldnt get over the scared of men thing.

This is a goldendoodle. Half Golden, Half Standard poodle. Basically a golden temperament but no shedding.

I ended up naming her Abaco or Abby for short.

Logan said...

Amanda, come squeeze her! She likes visitors.

Leighton said...

Very cute! Can't wait to play with her next weekend!

Amanda said...

You know I'll be there as soon as I get these damn papers done! Can't wait!