Monday, September 13, 2010

And Then There Were Three

You guys might not know this, but I consider myself a bit of a loner. I tend to think of myself, as a one man wolf pack. Though when I met Jenny I knew she was one of my own. And my wolf pack, it grew by one. So there was two of us in the wolf pack, I was alone first in the pack and then Jenny joined later. And twelve weeks ago when Jenny introduced me to it, I thought "wait a second could it be?" and now I know for sure I just added one more person to my wolf pack. Three of us wolves running around the desert together in Tucson, looking for diapers and formula. So tonight, I make a toast!

PS: Hold off on any mentions on Facebook for a week or so as Jen hasn't informed her work yet.


Alex said...

Whoa! Congrats!

Leighton said...

YAY...the first baby of the group!! Congrats guys!!

P.S. Man...I need to get married.

Eric said...

Awesome, good for you guys! I was starting to think we would be the first.

Andrew said...

Wow that is absolutely amazing. Congratulations guys. I am so happy for you both.

Andrew said...

Wow that is absolutely amazing. Congratulations guys. I am so happy for you both.

Nick D said...

Drew was so happy he posted it twice!

Congrats you two that is awesome news!!!!.

So when is the due date? I could try some math, but I thought it would be easier to ask.

Jae said...

UPS tracking puts it in on March 27th. we won't know boy/girl until 8 more weeks but we intend to have the doc put the sex in an envelope that we aren't going to open until Christmas dinner w/ the fam.

Unknown said...

That's awesome Jae! I'm so happy for your guys... But does this mean that I have to give up my room?

Ashley K said...

Congrats Jae and Jenny! Don't think Alex and I will be following suit anytime soon ;)

Ashley K said...

P.S...Alex woke me up this morning to tell me the news ;)

Jae said...

@Farrah, lol no we'll want to keep you nearby for the free babysitting :)

@Ashley, how exactly did he wake you up... bow chicka bow-wow :)

Nick D said...

Well if the baby is a little late and born on April 8th there is only one direction you can go with the name...

Adam said...

Holy crap! Congrats! You guys are brave indeed. I'm glad the pressure to have the first baby of my friends is now off. Excellent quote by the way, too.

Jae said...

Thank you, someone FINALLY commented on my awesome quote :).. btw I will be registering for one of these, awesome.

Logan said...

Congrats you two! So does that mean there is a move back towards the homeland soon?
Time to start saving for that little one's college education now! Call me, I can help! :)

Rory said...

Congratulations! That's awesome!!! I suggest you name him 'Rory'. It's Irish for "better than Nick".

Unknown said...

Congrats! Can't wait to see the baby bump!

Leighton said...

haha...look at Logan with the sales pitch.

Nick D said...

J one of the best parts about this is you now have a designated driver for the next 6 months.

J/K, but not really.

Jae said...

sshhh, it only works until you say it out loud :)

Andrew said...

A DD? You can drink whilst pregnant, it does nothing to the baby. Just quackery from the "medical community."

Anonymous said...

Drew that is some horrible advice... but should be expected from a good old conservative as yourself.

Jae the only good advice is to make sure if its a boy that he have a planned NFL career from day one. Retirement plan B