Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Bamer PA Fired {L}

Alex I know you mentioned this to me and I thought you would like to see this. See looks like they do have a little class after all. Personally I thought it was hilarious, but if I was in your shoes would probably hold your viewpoint as well...:)

Nick D


Andrew said...

I was somewhat surprised by the firing. I think it was the classy move. As much as these schools hate each other, they need the other one. What is college football without rivalries? Would the football season be as great without the Iron Bowl, UF v FSU (By the way where is their great name), the Border War, or hell the Friends of Coal Game.

Nick D said...

Yea we need some suggestions for our game's name. Does Ohio State and Michigan have a name?

Jae said...

how about "The America's Wang Bowl"

Nick D said...

The fight for America's Wang....it has a certain ring to it I must admit.

Alex said...

Alabama is trying to save face with the firing. They probably just picked a random person to fire, and planned to play those songs all along. I know most people on here think I am overly sensitive, but they need to try to live in Alabama and then call anything the bammers do classy. Oh well, jokes on them. 28-27.

By the way, my votes are to call the UF-FSU game either the Battle for the Dingus or the Sword Fight.