Monday, December 06, 2010

More Tree

So this isn't as spectacular as Eric's tree. It is minimalist. We decided that since there is absolutely nowhere to put our tree inside our house that we would put it outside on the deck. It is right outside the door, so we can see it very easily and it also doubles as outdoor decoration. As an added benefit it gets covered in snow and looks even more festive! Now if I can only figure out how to prevent the water in the tree stand from freezing...

This was taken after I got home from work. (Yes, it is pitch black at 4:30pm up here and yes I get home from work before 5)
This was taken this morning. We were supposed to get a light dusting of snow today. It has been snowing all day long.


Eric said...

It looks awesome covered in snow! Are the lights on the tree outdoor lights? If not, I imagine you'll be blowing fuses left and right.

Andrew said...

That is pretty awesome. I am thinking of getting a wreath. My first Christmas decorations in any apartment I have lived in.

Jae said...

cool tree adam, i can't imagine it being dark at 4:30.

Nick D said...

Looks good Adam. I am going to ignore the fact that you get home by 5....

Nick D said...

Regarding the water freezing just poor some grain alcohol in it...or maybe some of that 4 Loco stuff :)

Adam said...

I bet a Christmas tree would like some 4 Loko. It has vitamins and sugar in it, right?