Here's a video to support my claim...
The single player campaign on veteran is down-right impossible
Anyone who has started their veteran campaign must be feeling my pain. I have spent hours at a time making zero progress on the storyline, that is not enjoyable. A word of wisdom to Treyarch, they're called "checkpoints" fucking use them. Why make me spend 20 minutes battling inch by inch killing everything on the screen because the AI on my team can't find it in their hearts to shoot anything just to make me do it all over again when a grenade pins me down with nowhere for cover? I beat both MW2 and W@W on veteran thinking they were really hard but enjoyable, BO on veteran is not enjoyable at all.
Multiplayer Spawns
On more than one occasion I have had the opposite team spawn immediately off-camera from me and kill me. Just because they are off of my camera, that just means I won't shoot them immediately. It doesn't mean they won't kill me immediately. wtf.
The Multiplayer Maps Suck
Maybe it's just because I haven't learned them yet, but I don't enjoy any of the maps. It's not easy to follow the flow of the game and whenever I spawn, it takes me 5-10 seconds to figure out where I am. For contrast on Reach, I can spawn and pick up on where I am within a second or two. Given that I respawn on average 15 times a game, that is a lot of the game time essentially wasted. It also seems like every map is a camper's paradise. It's like within a week of the game coming out, everyone had found every box that they could stand behind and be practically invisible (and invincible). Hanoi is absolutely terrible for this. I dread playing that map.
I'm still willing to play this game, and God knows I'm an achievement whore so I will have to eventually finish my veteran campaign. But suffice it to say that I don't look forward to playing Black Ops like I did with MW2 and Reach.
I'm Alex Kanzler, and I approve this message.
Two thumbs up from me! Apparently my game has a glitch. It appears my head is 3x the size and everybody shoots me in it. I swear, the number of headshots I have taken is comical. It takes me 9 bullets to kill someone, but apparently I'm made of glass. Alex, Rory, and I played last night and spent the entire time bitching about it, and by the time I was finished (aka gave up) I was so frustrated and mad. I'm sticking to Assassin's Creed...now THAT is an enjoyable game!
And you are right Jae...the spawn logic is fucking terrible. We were playing last night and had managed to pin the team down...using STRATEGY!!...only to have the entire team spawn behind us and take us out. Stupid game has completely eliminated the concept of teamwork and strategy.
And by the way...I'm glad to see this post. It's like I feel 'guilty' for not liking the game. Weird how expectations have an effect like that.
I'm going to have to disagree with you guys except for the point about the campaign. Veteran is f'ing impossible.
I feel like I've been doing just as well, if not better, in multiplayer when compared to MW2. I don't find the maps confusing at all, and I don't have any specific complaints except for Hanoi, as you said. Camping is rampant there and it's impossible to find spy planes in a black sky.
As for teams spawning behind you when they're pinned... that's always been the case. Think highrise, scrapyard, etc. If it constantly spawned you in the spot where you were previously surrounded you'd be complaining about that instead.
And I'll finish my comment with this point. All of the maps are way better than the expansion maps in MW2; that's something we can all agree on.
okay, now i'm pissed. i am on the third objective in hue city (set up defenses to secure the lz). after the chopper loads up with the wounded and flies away i get the "friendly fire will not be tolerated" screen and it returns to the checkpoint right before the chopper takes off. this loops indefinitely. doesn't matter how far away from the chopper i run, it always thinks i'm friendly firing. piece of shit game.
Hey Nick, do you want to play Wii bowling with me? Or perhaps some Monopoly? lol
I'm with Eric. I like it. You have to adapt. Multiplayer is all about SMGs and some assault rifles. I've been playing lately with commando, sleight of hand, and ninja plus a silencer. I find that I'm doing much better now that I'm impossible to find on the map.
Sounds like I should be happy I didn't get this one. I'm up for some Wii bowling!
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