Saturday, October 16, 2010

ugh... it's half-time and scoreless. it's been a while since we've had one of these seasons. congrats to the noles, it's hard to turn the ball over that much and come out ahead but you pulled it off. also, wtf alex? i'm not used to seeing that kind of scoring come out of au. congrats on the highest scoring regulation game ever in the sec.

anyway, i'm secretly hoping for a shut-out so that we can finally ditch adazio. i'm going to start taking a shot after every score, my guess is i'll be stone-cold sober at the end of the game.


Adam said...

It is definitely an unusual year in college football, at least for Floridians. That Auburn game was crazy. Defense is overrated. Any predictions on who gets the title this year??

Nick D said...

Yea FSU offense did everything it could to lose the game. We were lucky to get the win, but I will take it.

Alex that was a incredible game for the offenses. I don't think any defense showed up, but who the hell scores over 60 pts against a top 25 team....

To the Gator crowd not much needs to be said that was pretty stunning. Something obviously needs to be changed....

Adam said...

I know no one likes pro football, but how about that Pats game?!? Huge win and the defense finally looked better than a high school team. I guess the Ravens don't exactly have an explosive offense but they are a darn good team this year. I am surprised we pulled it off. I am especially diggin our offense of Wes Welker clones.

Eric said...

That was a great game and I was only watching it on play by play updates and RedZone on my phone! The Pats are still a top team without Moss (which they were obviously aware of) and now have two picks in every round of next year's draft.

Andrew said...

I was pretty excited that Colgate's White running back set a Patriot League record for Rushing on Saturday. He rushed for 291 yards. Colgate amassed 503 yards of total offense, 440 on the ground. I think we are a little one dimensional. But we dominated for our 600th win in school history.

Missed all the games yesterday. We had a meet and greet up in The Villages. The guy who hosted the event was a retired Secret Service and FBI agent who was undercover investigating the mob. He has pictures of him undercover hanging out with Frank Sinatra.

Nick D said...

Pretty awesome Drew. Yea man Colgate laid the smack down...I am all about the white running back (see browns RB Peyton Hillis).