Wednesday, June 09, 2010

In the spirit

Most of you already know, some of you don't but I gave notice where I work. I did it today, so its OK to make it Blog official now.

I'll be starting with Edward Jones on July 6th as a Financial Advisor. I'll be doing a lot of training and studying to get licensed. I'll be officially licensed in October. So be expecting a call from me about November! ;)


Andrew said...

Best of luck with everything. That sounds like you will enjoy the job, probably not the studying. Avoid calling me, I have no money. But talk to Adam and Alex they are "doctors."

Nick D said...

Congrats Logan be a book nerd!!

Haha well played Drew the movie Hangover would agree with you.

"Don't get to excited he is a only a dentist"

Adam said...

Logan, that's awesome. It seems like all of us are are opening new pages of our lives.

If I have to hear that crap from the Hangover anymore I'm gonna flip! Just kidding. I don't mind you all calling me a fake doctor as long as I make a lot more money than you.

"Paging Dr. Faggot!"

Jae said...

good luck beal, will you still be working in btown? i'm guessing so what with the new house and all.