Not trying to sound big time or anything, but this will be the 3rd different type of electronic media I have used to wish you a Happy Bday. Grant it the only reason I remembered the exact day was because of Facebook, but hey that is not important.
J is there a Birthday App for this blog that could be useful for you non Facebook fools.
Once again Happy Bday Mr. Clean.
Thank you thank you. And you are right, a real friend wishes you a happy birthday on facebook, by email, and a blog! Well done sir.
And don't worry...I didn't even know it was my birthday until I looked at FB:)
happy bday ole.
nick, will look into bday app options.
"grant it"... classic nick-ism
Happy birthday Bryan, and a belated happy birthday shout-out to Christina since we're talking birthdays.
I was going to go with "granite", but decided this most appropriate.
Granite, I remember you using that a few times before. So we're slowly getting your spelling better.
Bryan, happy birthday! Hope you get to celebrate in grand fashion.
Happy Birthday BSL!
Happy birthday BSL!
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