Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Happy Bday Leighton

Not trying to sound big time or anything, but this will be the 3rd different type of electronic media I have used to wish you a Happy Bday. Grant it the only reason I remembered the exact day was because of Facebook, but hey that is not important.

J is there a Birthday App for this blog that could be useful for you non Facebook fools.

Once again Happy Bday Mr. Clean.


Leighton said...

Thank you thank you. And you are right, a real friend wishes you a happy birthday on facebook, by email, and a blog! Well done sir.

And don't worry...I didn't even know it was my birthday until I looked at FB:)

Jae said...

happy bday ole.

nick, will look into bday app options.

"grant it"... classic nick-ism

Eric said...

Happy birthday Bryan, and a belated happy birthday shout-out to Christina since we're talking birthdays.

Nick D said...

I was going to go with "granite", but decided this most appropriate.

Adam said...

Granite, I remember you using that a few times before. So we're slowly getting your spelling better.

Bryan, happy birthday! Hope you get to celebrate in grand fashion.

Alex said...

Happy Birthday BSL!

Rory said...

Happy birthday BSL!