Tuesday, December 28, 2010

New Years Btown

So we have discussed this, but have not yet nailed down any plans. Not that we have to have anything big time planned out or have anything set in stone. However, seems like over what was discussed so far going over the Kanzler's house was the best. If anybody has any other suggestions or ideas let's lay them out and see what else is out there. Maybe we can go out to the Fasoli's beach house haha, sans Fasoli of course......

Whatever the case may be I challenge you Rory to a decathlon..game on bitch.


Adam said...

Haha, I'm sure my parents would let you guys go out there! Maybe a trip up to VT could be fun for New Year's. I hear it is super easy to travel right now.

Rory said...

Decathlon? What? No. Why the hell would I want to prance around with a bunch of fairies for miles on end?!

Logan said...

Im down.

Andrew said...

If you want to hang at the beach house, I am sure my parents would love to see you all. And you know they always have plenty of booze.

Nick D said...

We won't invade your beach house kind sirs. Alex what say you since it is your house?

Jae said...

we are in. i say we have it over at the kanzler's w/ or w/o them :).

let us know what we can bring.

rory, bring the kinect obviously.

Nick D said...

Well it might be best for everybody just to bring some drink/snack.

Also, since I will be probably one of the few people caring to watch football that night (FSU game) I might not be over till later. Don't want to hog the TV all night leading up to New Years.

Nick D said...

Ok after discussing with Alex we think a change of venue might be best due to Ashley's work schedule.

My place is open as my parents always go to a party and Alex said he briefly talked to Eric about it, but he might need to talk to Christina still.

Throw your thoughts in guys and gals.

Logan said...

I'm down for whatever. Casa de Pam works for me.

Nick D said...

I sent out a text to try and get this thing a little planned out.

I will have a couple of bottles of and some pigs in a blanket. Probably going to drink some beer so I don't get hammered drunk. Oh yea!!!

Adam said...

Bottles of...

Littering and... littering and...

Nick D said...

Smoking the reefer!