Hey just curious to see if anybody wanted to come up to our place Saturday afternoon. Figured maybe come up in the afternoon have a few drinks and some snacks at my place for a while then maybe go out and have some fun in South Tampa. Let me know what you guys think or if anybody is interested.
"Feel the rhythm feel the rhyme get on up...it's bobsled time"
Nick D
Fun in south Tampa, huh? You guys all having drinks and then going to Mons?
Haha Adam saw right through my message...that may have to wait for another time.
Wish I could but the primary is on Tuesday. Anyone is more than welcome to come up to Pasco county and knock on doors. Should be a lot of fun.
Can't make it. Working saturday then have plans already for sat night. Maybe next time.
I'm in
All I read is Logan is SOFT haha..
Sounds good Zinna
I don't have plans...
Well I would come down, but I clearly was not invited since you specifically named "Bradenton" folk.
tell me about it, i was all set to book a ticket until i saw that.
Dicks. I said "area" which since previously undefined meant the USA
Soft like Irene's.....nevermind. ;)
Have fun guys!
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