...too heartbroken to post anything on the blog about your man-crush? I hope you haven't turned all "woman-scorned" and started burning jerseys. I don't know why this was such a shock to cavs fans, let me think... Skyline chili... or South beach thongs. I guess it's back to oblivion for Cleveland, huh?
I was devastated and going forward will HATE him with all the passion of my heart. Now I don't blame him for leaving I really don't, but that does not mean I am happy about it and specifically the way he left. What pisses me off the most is I believe he has known for a long time where he was going and what he wanted to do. Instead he drags everybody along and put's on this 1hr long ego show. He basically sat on this thrown commanded all the attention and shit on Cleveland. He did not even have the decency to call the Cavs ownership and let them know before hand. Seriously if he did not go through this charade I would have a completely different view of him.
I can't wait till he comes back to Cleveland we get to boo the crap out of him. I hope he never wins a damn thing in his life and he becomes the greatest player to never win. Even if he does win he had to run down to Wade's team and ride his coattails instead of growing a fucking sack.
On a side note I love what the Cavs owner said it was hilarious...a little extreme, but I liked it.
Nice setup J I hope I delivered the spike you were looking for.
eeeeexxcellent (Mr. Burns style)
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