Thursday, March 25, 2010

Back to the Bay

As of 5pm tomorrow I will be returning to Tampa permanently. I have learned that they have magic hat on draft in said area and the oppurtunity is too good to pass up.


Adam said...

Congrats on the move. Glad to hear that the prospect of VT beer is the reason. You know, you could just move to VT and then you could get all the Magic Hat you can drink!

Josh said...

Cold weather and I aren't friends. Puffy jackets make me look all marshmellowy.

Leighton said...

Congrats Josh...hopefully Holly and I will be joining the group in Tampa in the next few years:)

Logan said...

Bryan, the group is in B-town.

Josh, where abouts in Tampa?

Leighton said...

Sorry Logan, let me clarify...Tampa Bay AREA.

Josh said...

I live off Interbay in south Tampa right next to macdill. Also in close proximity to rodney's rib shack and ghengis khan.