2:51 Is even earlier into the morning or later in the evening depending on which shift of humanity you belong. The bacon-chicken-puperoni fairy appears to be making his encore performance, so I again start to rise, but this time I reach under the bed and my hand finds the handle of my yard axe. I am in the process of removing the comforter when a gentleman with a shaved head and arm sleeves enters the room. Now many phrases come to one's mind, full of eloquence and class, but my tongue settled on "Who the fuck are you, and what the fuck are you doing in my house?" The invader now startled, having forgone the electronic riches of my living room, decides a handful of women's clothing and my work shoes will make this b&e worth the risk. Yard Axe in hand I pursue the thief into my hallway, noticing that my machete wielding likeness has startled the intruder into dropping his cell phone. Spoils of battle left behind. The pursuit leads to my front door where I notice the thief is without shoes, aside from the ones in his hand. I demand he drop everything and he complies, again as a reminder I have a yard axe in hand and have been twice disturbed from restful slumber, I no happy. Cristina forms the reserves armed with heavy firepower in case my forward assault ends badly, but as many a tree limb will attest, I am a force to be reckoned with when wielding a machete. Would be burglar successfully run off, I take inventory. One thief's cell phone, one thief's pair of shoes and a giant surge of adrenaline later, I phone the police. Point of entry was my front window popped from its latch, but as I write this the intended target of the break in was unknown.
3:02 Police arrive in force and use the recovered cell phone to obtain the identity of the intruder, he will not be called thief, because he did not successfully rob me of any tangible item aside from precious sleep. Last night was Tampa's Police Night Out, a special tour de force where police patrols were especially heavy for reference. Police officers determine that the man who entered my home was a south Tampa resident, specifically living a few blocks away.
3:15 Police determine that I am in possession of the coolest cat ever and proceed to entertain said cat with a laser pointer to distract her while they gather finger prints. TPD was amazing in their wee hour efforts.
4:15 Police have captured the suspect and take me for a drive by ID'ing.
4:30 Coffee maker purrs to life with the realization that a distant morning sun is no longer some far off instant in time, but a very real and disturbing truth. My bed will go wanting for the rest of the evening.
6:00 As a cruel reminder of the sleep not slept my alarm clock sounds.
So funny I had to read twice.
Kinda scary though...what part of Tampa are you guys living in now?
you couldn't make stuff like that up... not even you. great story glad everything ended as well as it could have.
Was it Nick?
That is some scary shit!
Josh, if this is true you better cooperate with the prosecution when/if they file criminal charges. Otherwise, I can guarantee you that if you don't he is going to do it again.
Did you get a good look at him? Could you identify him if you saw him again? Was the window he gained entry through locked and shut? If so, did he cause damage to it?
Wow...that is crazy! I would have greeted that creep with a laser pointer from my Glock right to the chest if only to see him shit himself.
Glad you weren't hurt and kudos for performing under large amounts of stress and adrenaline. That is tough t do.
ole what caliber is your glock? i'm looking to get a semi since the new az concealed carry law went into effect (don't need a license to carry concealed anymore). i put my hands on a glock and it seemed super light, have you been pretty happy with yours?
I have a Glock 23 which is the compact 40 cal. I bought it pretty much right after turning 21 and I would never get rid of it. Light, powerful, accurate as hell, and super reliable. I have recently added night sights and a Crimson Trace laser grip, plus a couple extended mags. You really can't go wrong with a Glock.
that sounds like exactly the same one i was looking at, minus the bells and whistles... you going to put a coffee maker on that thing too?
you know someone has a birthday coming up ;)
Wow that is crazy Josh. I am glad you guys are OK and in a clear battle of fight or flight...Josh chose fight. Wow man I can't believe that.....
For the record I stopped performing B&E a while ago.
he's moved on to S&M
He tried 2 windows both were locked, but they are the old style windows that bend instead of break. I got a good look at him plus he had a bunch of pictures of himself on his phone. He crushed one of Cristina's flower pots trying to use it as a step ladder. In hindsight probably should have grabbed the old S&W before I went chasing after him, but all is well that ends well.
Logan you are a damn witch. Next time post something about me winning the lottery and we will see if it comes true.
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