Sunday, December 31, 2006

another haus

Figured you guys and ladies would enjoy this.

This is what we call an average size Goliath Grouper.

Friday, December 29, 2006


So out of all you debate prone, football obsessed, shit-talking men not one of you cares to comment on the beat down that was the Emerald Nuts Bowl? I'm surprised...

Thursday, December 28, 2006


Looking out our apartment, this is what we see...

Snow in the desert, who woulda thought...

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

New Years Par-tay

To anyone and everyone:

We are having a new years party at our place in Ft. Myers. Everyone is invited. Partying at the bars on the beach until the fireworks then back to our place to party. Plenty of places to sleep. Car pool down if you would like!

Merry Christmas!

Hey guys and girls, just wanted to wish everyone a belated Merry Christmas. Hope everyone had much food and beverages, and in all other respects a great holiday. My apologies for missing the party for the 2nd straight year but I had to work as usual (although I'm sure everyone found a way to have a good time without me!). If anyone is staying in town please let me know if you're up for anything, as I will be here... living here... probably for the rest of my life. At any rate, a very happy holiday to all! Miss you!

Much love-
Amanda :o)

Sunday, December 24, 2006

The pics you've been waiting to see.......

Sorry so late but we just got our camera cable to download them to the computer......enjoy and merry christmas to all, and to all a goodnight(like Drew had after a surprise visit from St. Nicholas!)

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Putting the myth to rest...

Playboy reported that UF has more attractive girls than FSU. It's Playboy so its gotta be true. Here's a link to the article.

Hope you all have a Merry Christmas (except Nick....burn in hell).

Friday, December 22, 2006

Wii web browser now available!

And what better thing to do than write my first post from my Wii to test it out!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


My Christmas party will be on Dec 24th per usual which is a Sunday. It starts at 1 so eat a light/no breakfast. Please bring your stomach and liver that is my only request because im sure my dad will be pushing food and drink like he normally does. Jae I think it would be worth your money to spring for a flight home to attend the party. Lets hope we have some good florida weather down there. Everybody have a Merry Christmas (except rory) and let the food and booze flow. PARTY LIKE A ROCK STAR AND KICK A LITTLE ASS

Saint Nick

PS Alex dont worry we will score you a ride home (bwahahah)

Monday, December 18, 2006

More fishes

Those are redfish for all you non-fisherpeople.

A Song for the Season

Justin Timberlake in a hilarious video from SNL this past Saturday. Caution: May not be appropriate for work!

Capital One users beware...

So as a back story... Jenny and I are looking into the whole home ownership thing, and so I went to (as I'm sure you all do every year) and pulled my credit report. Everything looked good except for my capital one credit card, they did not list a credit limit on the report. They listed the current charges and the maximum ever charged.

Why should you care? Well if you have a capital one credit card you should definitely care because this adversely affects your FICO score (which leads to a higher interest rate for any loans you get). One of the factors affecting your FICO score is what percentage of your available credit you use. Since the true limit is not available, the maximum charged is used instead.

Ex. Let's say for shits and giggles that you have a credit limit of $20,000. But the most you have ever charged in one month is $4,000. This means that by using your $4,000 instead of your true limit, every $1 you spend is treated as being 5x more of your available credit than it actually is.

Worse yet would be if you never had a month in which you charged a large amount. This would mean that you consistently charged a high percentage of your maximum amount and thus looked as a really bad risk to creditors. As an example stated in this article [] an 80% utilization ratio could mean a 50 point drop in your FICO score. Which would then result in a 1% increase in your mortgage rate.

There is currently a class action lawsuit against the three national credit bureaus since they must, by law, strive for accuracy in their reportings. Unfortunately, capital one cannot be sued because they are not by law required to report limits. They, in fact, do not report limits as company policy because it makes its customers appear to be worse credit risks so other credit card companies will not try to steal them away.

I suggest everyone w/ a capital one card stops using it (don't cancel it as that would not be good on your report either). Simply go get another card that does report limits (my citibank card does) and call Capital one and let them know you won't be using their card anymore because you don't appreciate the way they treat their customers...

[gets down off his high horse...]

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Watch this

This is the funniest/most embarrassing thing I've ever heard! I don't understand why he would even put it on YouTube.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Christmas Time

Finally a good article. I will be busting out the Merry Christmas like crazy at the AIG "Holliday Party". Either way enjoy the holiday season everybody. Be merry, enjoy the christmas parties, eat some good food and most of all drink some eggnog. Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight.

Jolly ole Saint Nicholas

Monday, December 11, 2006

Verizon Can't Do Math

This is absolutely hilarious...

Set aside 37 minutes of your day and listen to these audio clips...

Listen to this one first:

Then listen to this one:

You're welcome

True Story

OK, so I was walking back from the Leach gym the other day and you guys won't believe what I saw. It was so amazing and I had to take a picture because I knew you all wouldn't believe me.

The End of an Era

Guys I just wanted to let you all know that this will most likely be final post on the blog. I have accepted a position to work for Congressman Vern Buchanan in his Washington DC office. I will be handling some scheduling, some legislative issues and some of his political work. I, of course will be reading the blog but will probably not post anything for obvious reasons. I hope all is well with everyone and I hope to see you all over the Christmas Holiday.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

This article speaks for itself


My Beagle Army Grows!!!!!

Carla and I got 2 new beagle pups today, the one with the stripe is for Carla's brother, the others name is Lizzie, don't let the looks fool you she is a stone cold killer. Before long my army will be ready to march!!

Saturday, December 09, 2006

New post to see what's different

Well, while actually creating the post I don't see anything different. A few different links at the top right to take you back to your "Dashboard" but that's about it... a new spot for labels on the bottom right, for faster searching I guess. Google loves their searches. Posting now to see what Nick was bitching about...

Friday, December 08, 2006


I dont know about you guys but his new blog is fucking bullshit. Sorry jae i think the overall design and functionality is weak. Im giving a negative 10,000 points on this switch. Granite im hungover and tired but not a fan. I had to go back to publish a post after viewing the blog (not convienent). Crap!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

We are in the Wrong Business

This just baffles me how they can have this much money. There is about 3,300 Seminole Indians and that is not a bad amount of money to be a part of. Yes driven from your land and mass genocide sucks but.....getting handed a gold mind is not a bad reward. Can I convert to be Native American??? Im going to look into it. They better not screw with hard rock though. And I bet FSU pays them for the right to use their name as well...damnit.

"Party like a rockstar and kick a little ass"

Nick D

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Monday, December 04, 2006

not for the hippies or tree huggers

Got back from my hunt in Texas. Here is my best deer!
A quality 8 point from one of Clayton Williams' Ranch.

I don't know

This may be a stupid question, but so far everyone seems to have a different answer. When an institution wants your upper level GPA, are they talking about classes taken the last two years, classes needed for the major, or 3000+ level courses? I was thinking the last one... and hoping so, since that's my best bet. Makes the most sense to me anyway. Does anyone know for sure? Otherwise I'll just risk looking dumb and ask the university. Thanks in advance for the input.

Thought you all might like to know this...

...I got the biggest boner when I heard the Gators were going to the National Championship game.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Despite my ignorance

A peace offering...

On a different note...

Congrats to FSU on the W over us in bball. I didn't get to watch anything but the last minute of the game so I'm not really sure how good of a game it was.

Eating Tips for the Holidays

1. Avoid carrot sticks. Anyone who puts carrots on a holiday buffet table knows nothing of the Christmas spirit. In fact, if you see carrots, leave immediately. Go next door, where they're serving rum balls.

2. Drink as much eggnog as you can and quickly. You can't find it any other time of year but now. So drink up! Who cares that it has 10,000 calories in every sip? It's not as if you're going to turn into an "eggnog-aholic" or something. It's a treat. Enjoy it!!!! Have one for me. Have two. It's later than you think. It's Christmas!

3. If something comes with gravy, use it. That's the whole point of gravy. Gravy does not stand-alone. Pour it on. Make a volcano out of your mashed potatoes. Fill it with gravy. Eat the volcano. Repeat.

4. As for mashed potatoes, always ask if they're made with skim milk or whole milk. If it's skim, pass. Why bother? It's like buying a sports car with an automatic transmission.

5. Do not have a snack before going to a party in an effort to control your eating. The whole point of going to a Christmas party is to eat other people's food for free. Lots of it. Hello???

6. Under no circumstances should you exercise between now and New Year's. You can do that in January when you have nothing else to do. This is the time for long naps, which you'll need after circling the buffet table while carrying a 10-pound plate of food and that vat of eggnog.

7. If you come across something really good at a buffet table, like frosted Christmas cookies in the shape and size of Santa, position yourself near them and don't budge. Have as many as you can before becoming the center of attention. They're like a beautiful pair of shoes. If you leave them behind, you're never going to see them again.

8. Same for pies. Apple, pumpkin and mincemeat - have a slice of each. Or, if you don't like mincemeat, have two apples and one pumpkin. Always have three. When else do you get to have more than one dessert? Labor Day?

9. Did someone mention fruitcake? Granted, it's loaded with the mandatory celebratory calories, but avoid it at all cost. I mean, have some standards.

10. One final tip: If you don't feel terrible when you leave the party or get up from the table, you haven't been paying attention. Reread tips: Start over, but hurry, January is just around the corner.

Remember this motto to live by: "Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body. But rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in hand, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "WOO-HOO what a ride!"


College Football Question

With all this talk about the championship and who should go to the game, etc. etc., it has become clear to me that I have absolutely no clue how this stuff works. With this is mind, I have one simple question:

Why don't they have playoffs in college football??

I mean, I am not the biggest college football fan in the world, so I am sure there is something I am not aware of that would make it impossible. Let me rephrase, I hope that the reason there is this crappy BCS stuff is that there is some major reason against playoffs. Is it because companies want to make money on having stupid bowl games that are worth nothing but afford them the opportunity to whore their products to every college and fan? College football confuses me; I would love for this to be elucidated.

A New Addition

Everybody, this is Moose; Moose, Everybody...

Moose is a 9 week old, 6 lb 9 oz Jack Russell Terrier and we just picked him up from the breeder (a friend of ours) yesterday. He is non-stop, in-your-face ready to play at all times, as long as he isn't napping. He is currently busy learning to come to his name, to fetch toys, and potty-training. I can already tell that he is smarter than hell, it shouldn't be long until he's breaking out of his crate and making a mess... hopefully that last part remains a joke. Anyway, here are some pics that I just took this morning.

Saturday, December 02, 2006


Let it begin boys. Now most people are biased either for or against UF. But how do you decide and back up which team "deserves" to go. Both with one loss on the road to a good opponent. UF SOS #1, UM #3. I hate that we have decide who else goes to the big dance by analyzing close wins and close losses. The BCS sucks bad but when you have people deciding who goes problems will always arise. And lets say Michigan played a game this weekend instead of doing nothing that would change everything as well. I know UF fans will make there case and they have a good one but so does Michigan. Either way a good team is getting screwed.

Interesting Facts

Sportcenter compared some stats from Michigan, Florida, and USC this morning. According to ESPN, UF has more offensive production per play (6.5 yards), has played more top 25 defensives (5), and has the hardest schedule rank. If we beat Ark today, I expect to hear some controversy for the next couple of weeks.

Oh, and yeah yeah, I know what you are gonna points. But how come style points don't come into play when USC barely beats teams like Washington and Washington St, and loses to an unranked Oregon State.

On a side note, I hate Mark May and his infatuation for West Coast college football. OK, its study time. Go GATORS!

Friday, December 01, 2006

College Football Saturday!

OK kids, lets get some predictions in here for the big games...FL/Ark, Wake/Ga Tech, USC/UCLA...

My picks...

Giving USC a shot against OSU.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Donations Needed!!!!!!!

Just click on that link above and you will understand. I just looked at my bank account and I am a few dollars short so if anybody wants to help me out that would be greatly appreciated. I will compliment any donations with free tours of the bones and possibly one of the greatest movies of all time...Jurassic Park. It needs to happen it is my destiny. Fuck the poor people its christmas lets donate to the Raptor fund.

Nick D a.k.a. (The original Raptor)

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


a few pics from the wedding i posted on my live journal.... congrats again! =)
click me

Monday, November 27, 2006

I had to do it...

Nick, you'll appreciate this a lot. I know how you like to be well versed in your sports information.

Mmmm, nuts.

Sunday, November 26, 2006


Congrats to the J's! Wedding was a lot of fun!

It was good to see all of you again

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Plans tonight?

Not much has been said about what everyone was doing tonight, so can someone please confirm or deny that we are doing something tonight? I'm at work right now and I'm still not too sure if I get out at 2 or 5, but either way, I'll be free the rest of the day. Leave a message here now, call me later.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Advantage UF

Well congrats to all UF players/fans you will be priveleged to at least 1Q of slow crappy QB play. For Bobby has once again sided with Drew Weatherford. Of course why not they both got to play half of last weeks game and Drew goes 5/10 for 34 yrds X Lee goes 9/13 for 141 yds and 2 TD's. One game a season does not make I know but X also looked very good against MD and UVA. Wake not so much but Drew comes in and throws 2 picks and looks just as bad and wins the starting job back...Naturally. I have no idea why this suprised me at all. People are hoping this is just a ploy to distract UF a little but not me my friends. Not when your dealing with a old stubborn man who has already chosen his favorite QB. FUCKING SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Here is what is going to happen Drew will come out and look like shit...X will go in if he plays well he stays in if not Drew comes back in and then continues to look like shit. But by then both QB's have lost all confidence and hey let the slaughter begin. (man i hope im wrong here though). X has the shortest leash out of any QB in the world. I have no idea how he has played this well with the ole man looking for every oppurtunity in the world to pull him out of the game. Well now that I have properly vented and complained back to work I go. GO NOLES BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF THE GAYTORS....GO X LEE BABY.... as Limp Bizkit said...YOU GOTTA HAVE FAITH...which i do baby

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Started a wiki...

... on these a-holes that I see throwing their lit cigarette butts out the window of their cars.

Feel free to edit as that is the nature of a wiki.

Hey the J's

Where are you registered?

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Hey y'all, I could use your input

I have a very short amount of time to decide whether or not I should apply to do an internship. This would require an additional year of servitude at either an academic institution or private practice. I would be paid during the internship but it would be just enough to live on, but my father has offered to give some additional financial support. An internship would be required for me to be able to do a residency, but the residency would be another three year commitment. I could make more money eventaully but I should be able to make around $60,000 a year right out of school (could be more or less depending on the area). The potential to make money in this profession is good but I am not sure if general practice is where I want to end up. I would have already started to work on it but I am busy study for my national board exam that I have to take in a week. I can always do the paper work and get letters of recommendation by the deadline and will still have the option of backing out before March. So far, everyone at school thinks I should go for it but they tend to be biased. So I guess I was curious about what everyone thought about the situation and if y'all thought it would be worth it. I appreciate any input.


It is official Jeff Bowden our offensive co-ordinator is stepping down at the end of year. You do not understand how happy I am right now it is unbelievable. I bet 2 or 3 other offensive coaches leave as well. Every Seminoles fan dream as just come true. God we needed some hope going into next year and it was delivered in the best way. ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE. Now the question stands was he forced out or did he just get fed up with it and leave. WHO GIVES A SHIT REALLY. YES YES YES YES YES YES...Ok i need to go catch my breathe....

PS I really think bobby was holding him back with this Drew Weatherford thing and he got tired of defending the constant questions.


Need Advice...

So here is the deal. Most of you know I have been in my new job for almost four months now. I got hired making a crappy entry-level wage of $35,000 which is the same wage I made at WaMu minus bonuses. Long story short...I am fuckin tired of making $35,000 because I have been making that same wage for about 15 months now. Anyway, I received a "promotion" and moved into the trading room and took on much more responsibility even though I am in the learning process. I received my 90 day performance review yesterday and even though I had a great talk of money what-so-ever...which obviously left a bad taste in my mouth. So do I have a valid argument to ask for more money or is it too soon? This was the only part about a small company that worried me...I hate asking for more money and honestly feel I shouldn't have to. I moved to take this job and have really dedicated myself and done well. Give me your honest opinions.

Happy Birthday Josh (and me)

November 14th, the birthday of many great minds :). Other notables are Claude Monet, Condoleeza Rice, Curt Schilling, Rev. Run, Yanni, Prince Charles, and Ed White, the first American to walk in space.

Monday, November 13, 2006


Wedding Postponement

Well due to the fact that FSU sux our game will be televised on ABC at NOON. Sorry to everybody that FSU sux so much ass we cant even be prime time. So I vote that we postpone the wedding to a later time. Ha j/k im sure you guys will be up by at least 20 points by the time the wedding starts. On another note bobby has brilliantly named Drew Weatherford our starting QB. 12-8 has a starter who actually looks worse then last year. If he is trying to drive away the fan base, alumni and cause a player revolt much like what happened with McPherson and Rix a couple of years back he has succeeded. I literally feel uterlly hopeless right now and have no reason to believe we will win again this year. I am so embarrassed.

Nick D....OUT...(hopelessly still supporting a lost cause...our football program)...GO NOLES FOREVER

Sunday, November 12, 2006

BCS.... comes the Gators!

For real though, we have to start playing way better if we hope to win the SEC and get a national title shot. I'm amazed that we still won that South Carolina game seeing how horrible both the offense and defense played. Urban better get things on track this week!

On a side note, how 'bout them Dawgs Alex?!

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Random non-college football question.

I was wondering what every is getting in their savings accounts? I'm getting 4.4% which is great compared to what I used to have, but seeing as rates are going up all over, I am wondering if my bank has kept pace. Discuss.

Friday, November 10, 2006

No I in TEAM

How about Lebron walking off on his team []. What a quitter. He was probably rushing off to shoot his next Nike commercial. I think they should fine his ass and sit him for a game!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Hell yeah, baby!!!!

Go Gators! #2 here we come!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Well ladies and Gents on Nov 13 (mon) I will be watching the Cleveland Cavaliers play the New York Knicks in Madison Square Gardens. That in itself is awesome to me, but which makes it even better is the free tickets my roomate Drew scored for us. He asked one of his clients and they said they could get hime some tickets. Little did he know they just decided to go out and buy $250 tickets for me and Drew (dumbasses). I have never been to MSG before and seeing LEBRON again makes this Nick D pretty pumped up. It sure is nice to have friends with a job that gets you stuff like this damn I need a new job. LEBRON IN DA HOOOOOSE. GO CAVS BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS Whoever comes the closest to Lebrons stat line for the game will win a Cavs gift purchased by me and mailed to you (dont expect something great either pricks). Pts, Reb, Assist, Steals and blocks. Every point/reb and so on you are off by you get a point, least amount of points wins. I will submit my entry Monday so I can better research it.

"Chance favors the prepared mind"

Nick D...aka (Master of Rory Zinna)....OUT

7 year old chooses guardian

Tallahassee, FL.(AP) -- A seven-year old boy was at the center of a Tallahassee courtroom drama yesterday when he challenged a court ruling over who should have custody of him. The boy has a history of being beaten by his parents and the judge initially awarded custody to his aunt, in keeping with child custody law and regulations requiring that family unity be maintained to the degree possible. The boy surprised the court when he proclaimed that his aunt beat him more than his parents and he adamantly refused to live with her. When the judge suggested that he live with his grandparents, the boy cried out that they also beat him. After considering the remainder of the immediate family and learning that domestic violence was apparently a way of life among them, the judge took the unprecedented step of allowing the boy to propose who should have custody of him. After two recesses to check legal references and confer with child welfare officials, the judge granted temporary custody to the Florida State Seminoles Football Team, whom the boy firmly believes are not capable of beating anyone.

Thought everyone would like that one...

Monday, November 06, 2006

Calling all Aarons

Has anyone heard from Aaron recently? It's like he fell off the face of the earth.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Tarpon anyone

We went 4 for 7 on the tarpon with my charter today.
Here is the big one of the day ~100lbs

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Another reason it is a sad day...

It is official...FSU has hit rock-bottom...we are in ESPN's Bottom 10 this week. Very, very upsetting. We now "officially" suck.

Very Sad Day

Today I just read in the paper that Bob Barker intends to retire this December. I feel like everybody should take a day off of work and watch one of his last shows. This man is what got us through sick days in high school or just our nomal lazy days in college. He is 83 and said he wants to retire while he is still young..haha. It did not say if the show will continue it was just a short blurb from him. I cant imagine how it every could. I personally thought Bob was an alien or a robot due to the fact he has looked the same the last 20yrs I have watched him. Or maybe we should all take a trip out there so we can be a part of. Your the next contestant on the price is right!!!!!.

And remember get your pets spayd (sp) or netuered (sp) help me out here alex.

PS LeCavs are on TV the new commercials they are great....LEBRON JAMES

Monday, October 30, 2006

Our scary Halloween costumes

Yea im not the one with the fake boobs and plastic surgery. The girls costumes were great in this city.

I am on the right there with my roomate Drew on the left.

Other people go for funny not us baby.

Nick scary mother fucker D...out

Sunday, October 29, 2006

2-Bits In Action

Mr. 2-Bits in full effect at the party Saturday night. It's a good thing there are pictures, becuase I blacked out and don't remember half of the night.

New Television

So yesterday Carla and I bought a new 56" 1080p HDTV. I am uploading a picture for Jae to drool over as requested. While we were at it we also bought the full surrond sound. College football is sweet!!!

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Sweet Victory

I'm not talking about the Gators as you might expect, I'm talking about those Beavers. Hells ya to opening up the flood gates... Discuss

Friday, October 27, 2006

Another one bites the Dust

Happy Birthday to B Lieghton. Or as he used to be called LunchBox. He is now 25 remember if you need to feel young hang around alex i think he is 27 already. Bwahaha. I will certainly have a few BDay drinks for you tonight sir. Have a very scary weekend. Sorry for the cheap shot Alexis had to do it, it was for good purposes.

Nick D...still 24yr and loving it

College Basketball Poll

Well congrats to UF on being ranked number 1. Although in the past this has been a bit of a jinks for the Gaytors they should be nasty this year. Returning the whole starting lineup with a potential of 2 top 10 draft picks. Repeat Repeat should be the word down there. As for FSU we have a stupid hard schedule as of now. This could change because as all know pre-season rankings are at best worthless. In back to back to back games we play. #1 UF, at #5 Pitt,at #9 Wisconsin. Then throw in Duke and UNC later on. That is 5 out of the top 11 teams in the nation. Then throw in the normal grueling ACC schedule and if we dont make the tourny this year its because we got our asses beat and not because of our Strength of schedule. Due to the fact we have nobody taller then 6'9 on our team playing UF scares the shit out of me. We normally put up a fight. But Noah and Hartford should have a field day with us. Hopefully our boy Thorton can man up and be the Pre-Season All American he was picked to be. FSU was picked to finish 5th in the ACC our 3rd highest preseason selection ever..haha. UF was picked to be one of the first teams in forever to have a GRRRREAT shot at repeating. Hopefully it will be a good year for both our teams. FSU just wants to go dancing with UF. Oh and the LeCavs open up the NBA season on Wedn. be sure to watch my boy LEBRON throw it down nasty style. Here it now 30 points 11 reb 10 assists 2 steals and 1 block.

"chance favors the prepared mind"

Nick D.........OUT

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Halloween Preview

Here's my costume as of tonight, all I have to do is spray my hair white, get a sign and a whistle. I've included a second picture for comparison.

Oh hell yeah, I'm Mr. 2-Bits... I don't care if no one is going to know who I am at the party we're going to, because this is freaking dead on!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Tonight at 6pm Eastern

I just wanted to make sure everyone knew that at exactly 6pm, Danny Harold Rolling will be executed by lethal ejection. For those of you do not remember, he was the gentleman who murdered 5 people in Gainesville in the fall of 1990. His life will be ended in the same chamber in Starke Florida that Ted Bundy, who as you may or may not know murdered a number of students at FSU, was electrocuded in in 1989. Just thought you would all want to know since many of you are Florida Gators.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Vegas Pics

As requested, here's some select pictures from the Vegas trip in video form. Sorry, but there are no pics from the Zumanity show, becuase: (1)pictures weren't allowed, and (2)it may qualify this blog as a softcore porn website. BTW Jae, there was no wang.

Monday, October 23, 2006

ie 7

Jae, or anyone else who knows,
I downloaded the ie 7 and some of my old webpages dont work right. Where can I get that thing that tricks the webpages into working. I know Jae had sent to me me a long time ago.

FSU Nation doing a little headhunting...

Sunday, October 22, 2006


I just wanted to say thanks to everybody that made it to Tally for the game! I had a great time and it was awesome seeing all you guys again. It has been too long between reunions! Anyway, I am definitely pumped about next month so I can see everyone again...including the UF crowd...even though you guys are going to stomp the shit out of us! I think we need to make a rule...a MINIMUM of one reunion a year. Be it a football game, holidays in Btown...whatever...we need to do it. Just my .02. Later!

Friday, October 20, 2006


For everybody who is going I hope you guys have an awesome time and take advantage of the fact your in vegas. I know for sure I can count on Jae sitting his ass at the craps table all night and getting free drinks. Josh I think I will need your help on this request. Please make sure eric "the horn dog" gets to see some boobies. He might resist at first josh but just use ur will or some liquor either way. And my next request should come pretty easy I want you guys to hit up a cheap as hell all you can eat buffet. Im talking like National Lampoon Vegas Vacation style you know what im talking about. And lastly if time permits maybe take in a show. Lets review order of importance.
1. Drinking/Gambing - they go hand in hand
2. Exotic Dancers or Ladies of the night
3. All you can eat buffet
4. Celion Dion
And remember if your losing some money and your in the hole put all your remaining money on red. Somebody do me a favor and play some ROO ROO and put a couple dollars on number 8. I will split the winnings with ya. Have a safe trip and live it up.

PS I love friday work days...they sure beat the 16hr shift i pulled yesterday

Nick D

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Calling Drew!

Ok Drew...WHAT THE FUCK? First Mark Foley blames alcohol and enters rehab (if I remember correctly), and if THAT wasn't enough of an excuse to be a boy-hunting pedophile (because that is I want to do when I, now he is claiming to have been molested by a priest when he was a boy. All I can say is give me a fuckin break. This is why I hate politics and Hollywood...NO ACCOUNTABILITY! He is pulling every excuse in the book trying to get sympathy, and make excuses. I want to hear your opinion Drew...being the PR guy that you are...I gotta hear this. This really pisses me off by the case you couldn't tell. FUCK POLITICS and FUCK Mel Gibson!

Monday, October 16, 2006


I am just going to put it out there and say who is bringing what to the party. I want everyone wasted, I am talking fear and loathing wasted. I want dead hooker in the shower wasted. I would like a detailed list of our assorted liquor cabinets so I can fill in the obvious deficiencies. We were thinking of bringing Parrot Bay and maybe some Myer's Dark rum to mix it up a bit!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

SEC Excuses

Let me start by saying I am in favor of a playoff system just as much as the next guy. Reading these posts seems like two teams who are upset that they lost and essentially lost all hopes of a national title. I agree the SEC is very tough this year but let us all not forget that LSU did win the BSC championship a couple of years ago. And by all means Auburn caught some bad luck 2 yrs ago with a great season. So I dont quite follow all this bitching and moaning. Plain and simple you need to have a sick ass team to get to the title game not just good to very good teams like AU and UF are. And lets not forget the SEC has a .500 winning percentage in bowl games the last 2 yrs. If the conference is the best in the world by far every single year according to the SEC teams then why is there bowl record not reflecting that. Now im not bashing your two teams clearly you have good teams and im not claiming FSU is anything but average this year. This is just what it seems like to fans not from the self proclaimed best conference in the world. Good luck with the rest of your seasons. Except for UF the day the J's get married. NICK D.....OVER AND OUT

War Eagle

Some clarification requested by Amanda. I got this off Wikipedia, and it is the same story I had been told previously.

The story dates back to the Civil War. According to the legend, a soldier from Alabama was the sole Confederate survivor of a bloody battle. Stumbling across the battlefield, he came across a wounded young eagle. The bird was named Anvre, and was cared for and nursed back to health by the soldier. Several years later the soldier, a former Auburn student, returned to college as a faculty member, bringing the bird with him. For years both were a familiar sight on campus and at events. On the day of Auburn's first football game in 1892 against the University of Georgia, the aged eagle broke away from his master during the game and began to circle the field, exciting the fans. But at the end of the game, with Auburn victorious, the eagle fell to the ground and died.

Saying "War Eagle" may seem odd to other schools, but we love it and it is unique to Auburn. If an Auburn fan is present anywhere and you say it, you should get a response.

AU 27, UF 17

I thought I would continue the recent trend and submit this game for discussion. It sure was a great game! I hope everyone is doing well. War Eagle!

Friday, October 13, 2006

Living Large

Sorry to break up the Logan post fest he has going here but I am going to be living large tonight in some sweet seats for the Mets playoff game. I will be about 4-8 rows behind the Mets dugout for tonights game. My roomate Drew got them from work and said they are selling for about $750. It is going to be a chilly night out and I am not even a fan of the Mets or Cardinals but hell how can you pass up tickets like that. Look for me on the tube I plan on catching a foul ball. Nick D in the Big Apple....OUT

For all you fantasy sports addicts

Like Nick.....

Here is something my company just unveiled on Wed. It is part revolution, part team-based league, part community, Pro Team Golf League is a whole new concept for fantasy golf. Members will guide the fates of professional golfers through regularly scheduled match play contests. It's a hub for fantasy gamers, professional golfers, and sports enthusiasts. A place where you can have a real-world impact on a professional team match.

Its pretty cool I think


Thursday, October 12, 2006


For those of you who have not heard......

Jeremy Marlar passed away this morning. He was battling cancer. Services are Saturday in Bradenton.

RIP Jeremy

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

World Series of Golf everyone should check this out. My company is doing the online stuff for them and the ecommerce store (not up yet). Its gonna be on NBC next May.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Friday after Thanksgiving

Drew's post just reminded me that my mother wanted me write a post regarding the Friday after Thanksgiving. She was looking into reserving the clubhouse at Covered Bridge (where they live) for said day. If everyone/anyone is interested in coming that morning/afternoon to hang out, swim, eat, tennis, bball, get an early start drinking, etc, leave a comment to this post. If there are enough "yes" answers to make it worthwhile, I'll let her know to go ahead and reserve it, otherwise, no harm, no foul.

Thanksgiving Weekend

Okay, I was on the phone with my mother yesterday and she asked me about Thanksgiving and if we were going to be using the Beach House. I told her that I assumed we would be using it atleast once, but she kind of wanted a more definitive answer. She is cool with us crashing out there as much as we need, just so long as we don't destroy the place. I am home mid-day on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, so if we want to start boozing at the beach at 2pm on Tuesday we can. So lets discuss. 29 Days till election day. 32 Days till I drown my sorrows in Boston.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Friday, October 06, 2006

NC State 24, FSU 20


Thursday, October 05, 2006


Well, it has taken me only two short months to be the man at Capital Markets Cooperative. This week they announced my promotion from Rate Lock Analyst to Trade Support Analyst...meaning i am in the trading room now where the action happens. I worked with five other people, all with seniority over me, but that doesn't matter because I school all of them! MWAHAHA! My first review (90 day) is towards the end of this me the money bitches!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

A new kind of tatoo?

Just saw this on Myspace... it's called scarification. Thought a handful of you (Bryan) might find this interesting. It's facinating and nauseating at the same time. I'll tell you guys right now though, do not watch this if you have a weak stomach. I mean I can watch surgery on the Discovery Channel and this still gave me chills. The things some people will do...

About Tattoos ... - video powered by Metacafe

A Quick Study On Sorting Alphanumeric Values

For all the smarty-pants out there:
An interesting question came up at work today... What is the easiest way to sort alphanumeric values? Simply, for example, ABC1C goes before RST2B. The problem is, what do you do with HIJ100A? (These values are arbitrary) Sorting as you normally would, comparing values left to right, this value would go in the middle of the list, but it should really be at the end. The solution agreed upon was looking at the values as Base 36, converting them to decimal for the sorting, and converting them back to Base 36 when finished. I'm interested to see what other creative ideas you guys can come up with to solve this problem with similar (or greater) efficiency. Discuss.

Monday, October 02, 2006

UF Prof Teaches Class Stoned

Anyone else see this story?

I actually had that guy from Principles of Management. Be sure to check out the video.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

38 Days

Hey all, I just wanted to post a quick message to let you know how I am doing in light of what has gone down in DC. I am fine, exhausted but fine. Needless to say the last few days have tested every person affiliated with our committee to their breaking point. If you have no idea what I am talking about, then go to and figure it out. I am going to visit Adam in Boston November 10-12, but I am still looking for more places to visit since I will unemployed right after the election. I hope all is well with everyone and I cannot wait to see most of you over thanksgiving. And just remember to make it happen while keeping it real.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Ahhh I miss fishing

"The State" available on iTunes

FYI, I just found the first season of "The State" available for purchase on iTunes! For those of you that don't know, this show was a sketch comedy show on MTV from '93 to '95, and is probably one of the greatest sketch comedy shows of all time. The majority of the cast can now be seen on Reno 911!, Stella, Best Week Ever and similar VH1 shows. I just read on wikipedia that it is rumored that good sales of these shows on iTunes will lead to the show being released on DVD. It should be interesting to see who here knows this show (except Josh, who I'm positive is fully aware of it).

"I wanna dip my balls in it!"

FSU vs. BC

Is anybody here going to the FSU/BC game in Tally? I know Big U was trying to get people there for like a reunion game with all the FSU alum and rumor has it the NY crew is going? Can you confirm this Nick? I would love to go...but am looking for a place to crash! Let me know.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Okay so I've been feeling a bit of a buzz brewing about this subject, so I figure I'll just grow a pair (metaphorically speaking of course) and ask... one can only assume by looking at the wedding invitations that we are not to bring a date. Am I correct in this assumption? Just wanted to double check b/c I'd kick myself if I didn't, but not a prob either way - y'all know I'm in. And while I'm trying this post thing out for the first time... hey guys. Miss talking to you all (except you Nick, I can never get enough drunk dials, haha) and I hope everyone is kicking ass and taking names and having a damn good time in the process. I read your posts all the time and am so happy to see everyone doing well. I hope to have somewhat of a game plan for my life by the time I see you all again. Anyway, take care guys and gals. Much love -Amanda :o)

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

So we cancelled our Netflix and we're gonna try This way we can trade off between dvd rentals and 360 games (first up Godfather for the 360).

Anyone heard anything about this company good or bad? We're on a two week trial so we'll see...

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Broken Limbs a'plenty

I just saw quentin tarantino's new movie and let me just say," genius". When most people say ok we have broken enough limbs, not tarantino he goes the extra mile with a 20 minute scene showcasing several creative ways to break a limb. Also the age old question involving how much ass can a 5 foot tall Thai guy actually dish out, the answer, a lot especially when he ties an elephant femur to his arms and begins slicing tendons with the shards. I am pretty sure the villain who was a Thai Mafia princess, was born with a penis. The Protector was a great film and my pick for this years Oscar, and possibly the greatest movie of this or any other generation.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Another person joins the quarter century club

Happy Birthday Rory! Welcome to the club for us old people.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day!

September 19th is the International Talk Like a Pirate Day, and goes down as one of the wackiest "holidays" I've ever heard. Here is a pirate translator, for all those that would like to bust out with a line at work but can't think of anything! Arrrr!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Hootie Concert

Hey everyone, we just got back from seeing Hootie and the Blowfish with Better Than Ezra opening at the Ford Amphitheater. What a great concert! I was really surprised with Better Than Ezra, they played for a solid hour and sounded awesome. The lead singer is also quite funny. I was surprised to know more of their songs other than "Good", which was quite popular when the first came out. Hootie played all their most popular stuff along with a bunch of others and even some covers. Notable covers include Stone Temple Pilot's "Interstate Love Song", REM's "Losing My Religion", and Cheap Trick's "Surrender". I took some videos with my camera and phone, but I won't post them for fear of copyright infringement on youtube.

Anyway, I hope everyone has a good weekend, and make sure you've got a TV to be in front of tomorrow night (tonight, actually) for the game, Go Gators!

Friday, September 15, 2006

Day of Days

Today, is the day, of days. Third week of September, you can smell the hate, the passion, the glory.

Two years ago, in Neyland's house, a crime was commited, not a crime against just a person (Dallas Baker), or a team (Florida Gators), but a nation, the Orange and Blue Nation. Today, is the day, for retribution, to set right, what the blind wronged, to set good, what the evil made wicked, today, is the day, of the Gator.

At 8:00 pm (5:00 for those of you on the wrong side of the country), the world will be made right again, the football Gods will see justice done and the wicked orange nation purged. Tonight, Neyland's house will be consumed by an Orange and Blue fire. There's no other name so glorious, all hail, Florida, hail.

To my fellow Gators, remember, its Great, To Be, a Florida Gator, ...
and to those who are not, remember, If you're not a Gator, you're Gator Bait.

I guess I'm still a little bitter about two years ago, I hate that place.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Fish Catching Machine For Sale!

Fresh on the Market!
After all those exciting Egmont trips, we are selling our 1995 232 Mako with a 1997 225 Merc (~750 hours). We have all the service records. The boat has a Lowrance LMS-339C DF iGPS, VHF, Stereo/tape with 4 speakers and an amp. It has 2 baitwells, the standard one in the floor and you can see the other one under the leaning post(you can take it out). Flowscan. 3 extra rod holders in the bow. Rupp dual spreader outriggers. Bimini top (we dont use it). Full boat cover. There are also cusions for the front seating area that have been in the garage since we got the boat. Edson steering wheel with edson nob. The trailer is a Camp Out dual axle with torsion suspension and new (last year) surge disk brakes. Boat is lift kept and EXTREMELY clean. $25,000 Located in Bradenton, FL. Contact: LoganBeal at or plynhky at

If you know of anyone in the market, let me know!

Thanks for the Ad spot Jae!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Netflix Members Unite

Anyone on Netflix? Lookin' for some more friends... jbailey23 -

Friday, September 08, 2006

Calling all Erics

Hey dude, I want to know your current computer situation.

What OS are you running on your desktop? Has the jump to 64 bit architecture been worthwhile? The Athlon XPs are stupid cheap now-a-days. Any buyers remorse on the desktop or laptop? I imagine you're like me and mostly do email/web-browsing, do you find the new comp to be overkill for this?

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Vegas Roomie...

So which guys are going to Vegas? I would obviously like to have three other roomies to share a room with to split the cost. So who out there is going that I could room with!?

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

What does everyone's Vegas trip look like?

Christina and I booked our trip last night, and our schedule is as follows:

Tampa to Las Vegas:
Departs Friday, Oct. 20 @ 7:25AM
Arrives Friday, Oct. 20 @ 10:50AM

Las Vegas to Tampa:
Departs Monday, Oct. 23 @ 4:10PM
Arrives Monday, Oct. 23 @ 11:25PM

I'm posting this because:
a.)I want to know when everyone is getting there so we can possibly car pool to the hotel (Bally's).
b.)I want to know when everyone is leaving for a possible car pool to the airport.

Also, check in at the hotel isn't until 3PM, so we're stuck with bags for 4 hours... oh well, I'd rather get my money's worth and be there for the whole day as opposed to getting there late.
Update: Bally's has a check-in counter at the airport, and a shuttle to the hotel from the airport. Should be no problems even if we can't get a ride from the hosts or others.

To Jae -- Do you have a schedule for the trip, or are we just playing it by ear when we're all there?

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

SoS as voted by the good 'ole US of A

To those who seem to take issue with who we play. Read 'em and weep. :P

website is finally up lets hear some comments! its about 95% done.

btw...Happy Birthday to me!
Thanks to those who remembered (Rory, and Deb T)

Monday, September 04, 2006

FSU vs UM game

Congrats to the least bad team. What a waste of 3 hours of my life. It was worth hearing the commentary by Bobby B. "They probably have the best defense in the country if it not us." I think he sounds just like Paula Dean on Food TV.

A W is a W, good job Florida State.


So Steve Irwin (The Crocodile Hunter) was killed today!! He took a stingray barb to the chest while filming a documentary called "Ocean's Deadliest." He reportedly swam over top of a poisonous stingray when it rammed it's barb into his chest and put a hole in his heart. All those crocs and he gets taken out by a stingray...quite a bit of irony in this story. Anyway...R.I.P. mate.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Google Video Magic Trick


Just saw Beerfest, and it's up there as the funniest movie of the year (for people our age). If you haven't seen this movie yet, go see it now for a good laugh. It's unbelievable how many of the drinking games in this movie are common knowledge to us. Viking master is in this movie!!! That alone made me laugh out loud.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Another one bites the dust!

Most of you prolly have not heard yet but Jared High proposed to Meghan Miller over the weekend. I feel old!

Sunday, August 27, 2006


here's pics of my new apartment! come visit me jenny!!!

Weekend in St. Augustine

Hey everyone,
I just got back from a weekend vacation to St. Augustine. How long has it been since you've been there?!? I haven't been there since I was a little kid, so it was fun to see the sights over again. Friday night we went to a comedy club and saw a pretty good show, but I don't have any pictures. The following pictures are from Saturday and Sunday, and I'll leave some captions.

Saturday morning we saw City Hall and the Lightner Museum. Pretty nice courtyard.

Next up was St. George Street in the old town, we did some shopping and general sightseeing.

Then we went to the beach to the north, toward Jacksonville. It was extremely shelly.

After the beach we had dinner at Harry's, and here's a picture of Christina with, if you didn't notice, a much svelter version of me. (I'm down 15 pounds so far)

Later that night we went on the "Ghosts and Gravestones" tour, which was surprisingly entertaining. The actors were all really good, and the stories they told were interesting because they were all historically accurate. This is a pic of the gallows behind the old jail.

Sunday morning we went to the Castillo De San Marcos, aka "the fort". This was where I made absolutely sure my scalp and forehead were burnt. The first picture was taken inside the powder magazine, where they kept all the gunpowder. it's pretty tight in there because they built the walls to be extremely thick to guard enemy fire from causing an accidental explosion.

To finish off the trip we went to St. Augustine's beach, which was much nicer than the first beach. I thought the 3 foot drop in the sand at the water was pretty interesting. The people in the picture are right at the cliff.

Well I think I have sufficiently slowed Jae's site down to a crawl with all these pictures, so I think I'm good to stop here. No one has really posted much in a while, so what has everyone else been up to?
PS to Nick: Sorry I missed the football draft, this post explains why. I am pretty happy with the team the computers picked for me, I think I still have a pretty good chance!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

My New Toy

Yes, it's true! In January I got a new desktop to replace the old laptop as my main PC, and now I've replaced the laptop with a shiny new MacBook. The new lappy is a 2.0 GHz Intel Core Duo, 2 GB of RAM (currently 512 MB, more RAM installed tomorrow), 60 GB hard drive, and a DVD+/- R/RW Superdrive. It came with a program called Parallels for free which, if you haven't heard, allows you to run XP along-side OS X without restarting the computer. That will be up and running in the near future. Once all of the networking is set up and I add the hard drive that I bought in the recent woot-off as network attached storage, I will have a pretty impressive setup. Comments welcome.