Sunday, December 03, 2006

College Football Question

With all this talk about the championship and who should go to the game, etc. etc., it has become clear to me that I have absolutely no clue how this stuff works. With this is mind, I have one simple question:

Why don't they have playoffs in college football??

I mean, I am not the biggest college football fan in the world, so I am sure there is something I am not aware of that would make it impossible. Let me rephrase, I hope that the reason there is this crappy BCS stuff is that there is some major reason against playoffs. Is it because companies want to make money on having stupid bowl games that are worth nothing but afford them the opportunity to whore their products to every college and fan? College football confuses me; I would love for this to be elucidated.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

You hit the nail on the head Adam...its all about money. There should be a playoff system, and there is no other reason for why there isn't. Shit, even if Florida goes ahead of Michigan, I still believe a playoff system would be better, and I'd implement it right away!

Alex said...

A playoff would be best but we cannot over do it. A four team playoff would be a good. Three games to decide the title and they can keep the lesser bowls to keep bringing in money. That would only require two teams to play a extra game.