Monday, September 04, 2006

FSU vs UM game

Congrats to the least bad team. What a waste of 3 hours of my life. It was worth hearing the commentary by Bobby B. "They probably have the best defense in the country if it not us." I think he sounds just like Paula Dean on Food TV.

A W is a W, good job Florida State.


Leighton said...

I have to admit, it was definitly some defensive football. But i am very happy to see FSU pull out such a hard-nosed win against Miami...we don't do that often. And you are right...a win is a win...I'll take it! Go Noles!

Jenny said...

I think this team stat comparison says it all.
Rushing yards_______1___________2
Rushing Attempts____25__________26
Yards per rush______0.0_________0.1

A grand total of 3 yards rushing.

Nick D said...

Whatever I will take it against miami a win is a win our defense looks awesome...congrats on a very mediocre win over the powerhouse southern miss by the way

Jae said...

At least the win was a decisive victory ;).

Alex said...

Was it good defense or really bad offense? I think Jeff Bowden says it all.