Sunday, November 19, 2006

Started a wiki...

... on these a-holes that I see throwing their lit cigarette butts out the window of their cars.

Feel free to edit as that is the nature of a wiki.


Leighton said...

I understand what you are saying...even though I myself used to be one of those people, but since I don't smoke in my more littering. People don't seem to realize that cigs ARE garbage...they seem to think that it doesn't count since it is a cig butt. It would be the same if everybody just threw beer cans out of the window. Kudos for plate numbers!!!

Nick D said...

Nice...Jae you are funny dude my friend

Andrew said...

Well Bryan in fact it would be very different if they threw a beer can out of the window since having an open container of alcohol in a car is illegal. But I get your point.

Leighton said...

Hey Drew...I never said OPEN beer cans;)

Adam said...

What's so hard about putting butts in the ash tray? I mean, it is there for one purpose and yet it still escapes some people. I will second Bryan's kudos for the plate numbers. Too funny.

Leighton said...

I agree with you Adam...however...most cars don't even come with an ashtray anymore. Mine doesn't.