Thursday, September 21, 2006

Another person joins the quarter century club

Happy Birthday Rory! Welcome to the club for us old people.


Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you....its quite the accomplishment. First of all, I'd like to thank God. If it wasn't for him, this world would not be blessed with my angelic presence. Next, I'd like to thank the little friends. I guess thats it...well, besides my mom and dad...thanks for doing the dirty and conceiving me. Zinna out.

Leighton said...

Holy sounds just like Nick wrote that...well, except for the good grammar and coherent, complete sentences. Happy Bday anyway.

Alex said...

Happy B-day!

Jae said...

Guess who is still 24 for another 11 months... *this guy*

Logan said...

Guess who still has high car insurance? ^^^ That guy

Jenny said...

Actually, our insurance out here in Arizona is less than half of what we each used to pay in Florida....:)

Jae said...

booya grandma

Nick D said...

i bet it is low out there not many cactus's steal cars these days...i bet i have the lowest car insurance of of interest giving out your work number to drunkards could lead to 11 voice mails when you arrive at work the next day...nicely done rory it was a hell of a way to roll into your 25th year...listen hear lunch pail my grammar ars and eglish is impecable...Nick D and Zinna ex roomates but incredibly similiar minus im just a touch better that is a F'D up paragraph good luck with that gents...time to continue with the shibbying..."chance favors the prepared mind"

PS I own alex

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the bday wishes fellas. Nick, you still a douche no matter what state you live in.