Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Tonight at 6pm Eastern

I just wanted to make sure everyone knew that at exactly 6pm, Danny Harold Rolling will be executed by lethal ejection. For those of you do not remember, he was the gentleman who murdered 5 people in Gainesville in the fall of 1990. His life will be ended in the same chamber in Starke Florida that Ted Bundy, who as you may or may not know murdered a number of students at FSU, was electrocuded in in 1989. Just thought you would all want to know since many of you are Florida Gators.


Nick D said...

Very fitting, I would prefer old sparky but this will do. Nothing like justice 16 yrs later we need a fast track to the execution chamber drew work on that. Also, Im sure Texas is game work on getting the firing squad back. Oh this bring back memories of Mrs. Garrots class when we had to do our oral arguments and mine was pro killing these murdering bastards. Anyway until next time.
"Ta Ta Clarice"

Nick to the D

Logan said...

This should have happened a LONG time ago.

BTW Nick, I think I was your partner for that pro-death debate.

Nick D said...

Yes I believe you were logan. I have no doubt we used our whit and eloquent speech to embarrass our oponnents. Not to mention my superior grammar and spelling.

Anonymous said...

It sucks but that how long it takes to get through the court system. Even though he was a killer, he still has his rights to appeals and habeas corpus. At least he's dead now.

Nick D said...

Oh boy here comes the lawyer talk. In Nickville im the judge, jury and executioner. Just think rory you can be defending model citizens like that one day. Yes i know your response already everybody is entitled to a fair and honest defense. A question for you Zinna. Would you defend somebody who you knew was guilty. Im talking like they told you themselves they were. Obviously the severity of the crime could impact your decision but yet you still would be forced tell some derivation of the truth no doubt???

Andrew said...

Remember that killer confessed in court that he committed the crime and that all of his appeals were centered on whether or not lethal injection was not a "cruel punishment." Many people believe that sodium pentathol, the first liquid injected into a criminal, actually causes excrutiating pain. My answer, no shit Sherlock it kills your nervous system of course there is going to be some times where they are uncomfortable. Not like he cared about the comfort of his victims when he was raping them and mutilating the bodies.

Anonymous said...

No I wouldn't Nick...thats why I'm not gonna be criminal defense attorney.

Nick D said...

Damn not really the response I was looking for out of you. Oh well. Let me pose another question for you sir. Do you think Anna Nicole Smith deserves some of that money. I say hell yes she had to put up with wrinkled old balls.

Anonymous said...

Haha, I agree. Actually, I don't know that much about that case and I have taken gratutious transfers (next semester) yet so I really don't have an opinion. But she was his legal wife and, from my understanding, she has the rights to his estate unless a will specified otherwise.

Nick D said...

See I dont get to ask you these moronic questions anymore now that I dont live with you, and test your knowledge or lack there of. I miss you rory. I mean kiss my ass you greaseball. Figuratively, not literally. As you can see im bored at work this is like my 3rd post to the blog.

"Doing the same action over and over and expecting a different result"-Insanity

Nick D

Anonymous said...

I miss you too and that "visor dave" skin tone.

Anonymous said...

Superior, eloquent, severity, moronic, figuratively, literally....Nick, put down your dictionary when you write these posts. You aren't fooling anyone.

Nick D said...
