Is anybody here going to the FSU/BC game in Tally? I know Big U was trying to get people there for like a reunion game with all the FSU alum and rumor has it the NY crew is going? Can you confirm this Nick? I would love to go...but am looking for a place to crash! Let me know.
Ok well Joey is out me and drew are looking into it. I dont have any days off to use so that could be an issue. So i have to way the issue of spending literally half my time traveling. I will keep ya updated.
I'm going, but that's all I know as of right now. I've been in touch w/ Ken but I otherwise know nothing, I may sleep in my car if need be. Why the eff is Joey out? Tell him to man up and come party. Oh yeah and that nigga T-Rae is in as well. Should be a good time.
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