Wednesday, December 20, 2006


My Christmas party will be on Dec 24th per usual which is a Sunday. It starts at 1 so eat a light/no breakfast. Please bring your stomach and liver that is my only request because im sure my dad will be pushing food and drink like he normally does. Jae I think it would be worth your money to spring for a flight home to attend the party. Lets hope we have some good florida weather down there. Everybody have a Merry Christmas (except rory) and let the food and booze flow. PARTY LIKE A ROCK STAR AND KICK A LITTLE ASS

Saint Nick

PS Alex dont worry we will score you a ride home (bwahahah)


Leighton said...

WOOHOO I get to go to the party this year! I am very excited to see all you guys again! I will be in town Friday if anybody is getting together before Nick's me. HAHA...nice one Nick with the Alex comment.

Alex said...

Well played're a bastard! Looking forward to the party! I'll be in town Thursday night so give me a call if anything is going on.

Anonymous said...

I'll have a merry fucking christmas without your blessing Nick. Lock it up.

Eric said...

Hey all, if anything is going on before Sunday give me a call. I'll be out of town Friday night, but otherwise, I'm available. Nick, you can write us in to attend from 1-3, we have to be in Tampa at 4.

Nick D said...

Sounds good fellas look forward to seeing everybody. You Lock it up. Throwing me into the lyon's den zinna.