Monday, October 23, 2006

FSU Nation doing a little headhunting...


Leighton said...

What an enormously tough decision. I think Jeff needs to go as badly as Bobby though. I do think it is time to look to the future and move forward, but how can we honestly force him to retire after all he has done for our program? I'm glad I don't have to tell him!

Logan said...

I want to know how someone is "forced to retire." Isn't that firing them?
He can still chew his gum and watch the game from the stands. I'm sure he would like to sit down some during those 4 hour games.

Anonymous said...

Haha, good point Beal.

Nick D said...

Well he is not leaving until JoPa leaves so we are going to be stuck with these type of seasons until he leaves along with the SHITTY offensive coaches...I just wish we could keep him as an advisor or something..meaning keep recruiting those kids...But we need a fucking change i hope somebody mans up in the offseason whether it be bobby or our athletic director or president or something...Bobby clearly does not have it I dont even know if he watches the games every interview he gives is like a recording of the last

Nick D said...

But I still love him...I dont want to go through what UF had to do with the Zookster...I wouldnt mind getting Butch Davis did a damn good job at Miami before he decided to ruin the browns for 4 years...So unless we have a viable coaching option lets stick with the winnest coach in D-1...GET ER DONE BOBBO

Anonymous said...

Wow, you would want Butch ex-Miami coach?! Thats funny.

Jae said...

This is very different than Zook, whoever replaces Bowden will be akin to the Zooker. At least when Bowden retires (forced or not) it will not be a huge surprise. I hope FSU does something because Florida (the state) needs to resume dominating college football.

Nick D said...

Hell yea Butch Davis is the man. Yes those are all very valid points Jae. I agree.