Friday, October 27, 2006

Another one bites the Dust

Happy Birthday to B Lieghton. Or as he used to be called LunchBox. He is now 25 remember if you need to feel young hang around alex i think he is 27 already. Bwahaha. I will certainly have a few BDay drinks for you tonight sir. Have a very scary weekend. Sorry for the cheap shot Alexis had to do it, it was for good purposes.

Nick D...still 24yr and loving it


Anonymous said...

Happy Bday Leighton, have a good one. Oh and Nick, you 24 and working....I'm 25 and still in school. Who "feels" younger biotch! Don't you have a TPS report due or something.

Nick D said...

Touche to all of your points. I am actually waiting on the new cover letter to arrive. I got the memo.

Logan said...

Damn Nick, did you get up early to make this post?
Welcome to the quarter century club BSL!
I too will have a few drinks in your honor.

Andrew said...

Happy Birthday Bryan. Hopefully everything is going well with you. I will have a drink for your birthday in like 11 days. Nick, seriously think about coming to Boston on Nov 10-12, it will be me drinking for 2 days heavily.

Leighton said...

Thanks everybody! I'll make sure I drink one for all of you!

Alex said...

Happy birthday, Bryan! Hopefully, I will get to see you soon.

Nice one, Nick! But unfortunately I am 25 but still in school. Oh well, maybe I will get to make money some day.