Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Hey y'all, I could use your input

I have a very short amount of time to decide whether or not I should apply to do an internship. This would require an additional year of servitude at either an academic institution or private practice. I would be paid during the internship but it would be just enough to live on, but my father has offered to give some additional financial support. An internship would be required for me to be able to do a residency, but the residency would be another three year commitment. I could make more money eventaully but I should be able to make around $60,000 a year right out of school (could be more or less depending on the area). The potential to make money in this profession is good but I am not sure if general practice is where I want to end up. I would have already started to work on it but I am busy study for my national board exam that I have to take in a week. I can always do the paper work and get letters of recommendation by the deadline and will still have the option of backing out before March. So far, everyone at school thinks I should go for it but they tend to be biased. So I guess I was curious about what everyone thought about the situation and if y'all thought it would be worth it. I appreciate any input.


Leighton said...

Well it seems like it all depends on what you decide you want to do. If you can go ahead and get in and back out later I say go ahead and do it. If you miss your deadlines, then decide that IS what you want to do...you're screwed. More money in the long run is also a very nice feature...think of it as an investment, you are just investing in yourself. Honestly, what is another year anyway? Years go by alot faster now for me...so a year to me is a very small period considering what you will gain from it. Just my .02.

Andrew said...

I say go for the internship. While the financial issues should be considered, I feel they should be considered last. Having known you for a few years, I honestly think you would be bored in a general practice, I am not saying that being a general vet does not have its advantages but specializing leads to more opportunities. Look at what I have done, I took a really crappy job that I have stuck with for 2 years and I always considered this job as basically an internship, doing grunt work but learning the nuts and bolts of campaigns and politics. Now I have opportunities to go run a house of delegate race in Virginia, be a political appointment at Homeland Security or work on the Hill as an Legislative Asisstant. Just rememeber this is a decision you will have to live with, so take your time and don't rush.

Nick D said...

We all want to rush out of college and earn money, and it is nice. But then most people want to go back and try to advance themselves and their career. I have 2 questions. What is the pay like during your residency?? Not dollar wise but is it inbetween intership and say money right out of school?? And would the residency lead you more toward general practice or open more doors?? But honestly with your fathers support and if a residency pays you decent enough to live on then to me its a no brainer. Intership/residency way to go. But again whatever you feel is right for you, you should do.

Adam said...

I guess I will be the Devil's advocate here. Being in a similar field, I definitely understand the pressure you can get to specialize. I would definitely put the app in for the internship, so you at least have more time to think about it. I know people in dentistry go into general practice for a while and then if they found they didn't like it or found one particular aspect very interesting, they would go into a specialty at a later time. I agree with Drew about not rushing though. My biggest concern is that you feel obligated to specialize, either from peers or just by the money. If you don't like it, you aren't going to do well and general vets have the potential to make a load of cash, despite whatever entry-level gig you get. Good luck figuring it out. I know your going to kick ass either way. Plus, who are my sisters going to take their pugs to if you only work on cows??

Jae said...

I'm in agreement w/ everyone else to put in your App so you have all doors open. It's hard to decide not to continue on w/ an opportunity but only you know what you truly want to do. If not doing the internship leads you to less money but more self-satisfaction it is well worth it. Not to be too cliche but "money can't buy happiness."

On a lighter note, if you do get into general practice, we could sure use some free vet care out in Tucson :).