Saturday, September 30, 2006

38 Days

Hey all, I just wanted to post a quick message to let you know how I am doing in light of what has gone down in DC. I am fine, exhausted but fine. Needless to say the last few days have tested every person affiliated with our committee to their breaking point. If you have no idea what I am talking about, then go to and figure it out. I am going to visit Adam in Boston November 10-12, but I am still looking for more places to visit since I will unemployed right after the election. I hope all is well with everyone and I cannot wait to see most of you over thanksgiving. And just remember to make it happen while keeping it real.


Adam said...

Hang in there dude. It's funny how they knew about this for a year or so and have been holding onto it until a month before elections to go crazy with it. Politics is a dirty game. Some of those IM conversations are pretty funny though. I wonder if the screen name they have listed is really even him. Too bad the dems couldn't actually win an election on their merit or ideas, they just have to run smear. Looking forward to seeing you in Nov. take it easy.

Jenny said...

That sucks, but why do you have to look for another job? Were you working under him? I'm sure you will find something in DC with your experience and all. Good luck!

Andrew said...

The simple answer of why I have to look for another job is that the election cycle is over. And with the end of the cycle, my job goes. Not a huge deal, but kind of wierd that I will be unemployed. But that is why everyone should take a portion of their salary and put it in a savings account.

Nick D said...

Hang in there bud only 38 days until you get to relax...$40 bus ride to NYC my friend come crash for a weekend

Amanda said...

Aww, I miss you buddy. You take care in the meantime though. I agree w/ Jenny, you have far too amazing credentials (is that even the right use of that word?) to be unemployed for long... just think of it this way, you could be me. Ha

Jae said...

DC is like bum-central so you will never go lonely ;). Hang in there bud, you've always got a warm bed for ya in Arizona.

Leighton said...

You aren't exactly far from Jax know my door is always open! Hang in there.

Andrew said...

So as I laid in bed last night sick to my stomach worrying about everything that is going on right now, I had a little Deja Vu. At 3am, I turned on the TV to see if I could get my mind off work and go to bed. Obviously the first thing that was on was a story about Foley, quickly changed that to one of the Encore Channels, the action specifically. See a movie called StrikeForce staring William Forsythe, which in my mind means mind numbing action. So I flip it on and here comes the typical B Movie action scene. So basically they rescue a little girl and return her to her father played by none other than disgraced Congressman Mark Foley. I nearly grabbed the nearest piece of cutlery and committed suicide by way of hari cari. Though you would all find that amusing.

Leighton said...

So how exactly are you tied to this guy Drew? Are you directly involved with him? Discuss.

Andrew said...

Okay, here is how I am involved. The chairman of my committee, Rep. Thomas Reynolds, i will refer to Reynolds as TMR, of NY, was approached by Rep. Rodney Alexander of LA. Mr. Alexander was the member who sponsored one of the pages that exchanged e-mails with disgraced Rep. Foley. TMR went to Speaker Hastert and told him about the situation and apparently Hastert did not really do much with it. But last Friday Speaker Hastert, Leader Bohener and Whip Blunt attempted to throw my boss under the proverbial bus. No one is really sure why, but it happened. So when Speaker Hastert asked the DoJ to invesitage, he made sure to tell the Attorney's General to investigate everybody including members of congress. So that put the scare in about subpeonas. And since I work for a member of leadership and one who is being specifically mentioned in the cover-up, I am connected. Although I know absolutely nothing about this situation. It sucks, but it is a cool story I get to tell people.