I dont know about you guys but his new blog is fucking bullshit. Sorry jae i think the overall design and functionality is weak. Im giving a negative 10,000 points on this switch. Granite im hungover and tired but not a fan. I had to go back to publish a post after viewing the blog (not convienent). Crap!
This sucks. Took me like 15 min to figure out how to convert. Cant edit my posts. Setup is worse then the previous one. Ok im done bitching. Man i cant wait for lunch.
Nick D (beta style out)
Once you make a post there is no button to click to get back to viewing the original blog. What the fuck.
Ah if you click manage posts then the screen appears as it used to. Still bullshit.
Dont like this security thing i have to click everytime i access a screen. Is this a record for most comments posted to one owns blog without a response. I believe so. Congrats I win the Bitch as much as possible award. WooHoo. What do I win. Maybe a wamburger, or some french cries maybe even a whinican. Hmmm...maybe im still drunk and not hunger. Interesting. Ok done rambling time to do some work (surf the internet).
This is funny shit...a must watch
Nick 5...everybody else 0
HAHA...you said "granite" instead of "granted"...like the rock...you are funny Nick.
I was never known for my extensive vocabulary...im an idiot
When did the blog format change? Maybe I don't post enough to notice a difference. Nick, you are a funny guy. Funny "haha," not funny "queer."
Nick, that was so fucking funny shit
Thanks Nick! That was funny as hell!
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