Friday, December 01, 2006

College Football Saturday!

OK kids, lets get some predictions in here for the big games...FL/Ark, Wake/Ga Tech, USC/UCLA...

My picks...

Giving USC a shot against OSU.


Nick D said...

UF in a close one, Wake continues its miracle run, USC in a slaughter....OSU sticks it up USC ass in the big dance

Jae said...

FL in a (what else) close one/Ga Tech by 14/USC by 21. Let's hope I'm wrong (about usc at least).

Alex said...

Arkansas by 10/Ga Tech by 7/USC by 28

I hope I am wrong about USC, but at least I know they will get killed by OSU.

Anonymous said...

FL by 10/GT in a blow out/UCLA by 4....I'm calling the upset, they had two weeks to prepare, its at UCLA, and I'm praying for that NC Title hope!

Jenny said...

FL by 10/UCLA by 4/Wake by 3

Alex said...

I got all of them wrong! I guess I better stick with vet med.

Anonymous said...

damn, i was close except for that ACC shit. By the way, Wake Forest vs. anyone gonna watch?

Leighton said...

Damn Jenny...nice picking! I can't believe you got all them exactly.

Jae said...

I'll be the one to chime in here and state the obvious that Jenny's picks were posted following the completion of the games! :)

Leighton said...

thank you Jae...for making me feel like an idiot...:(

Unknown said...

haha jen you cheat! the time difference over here couldn't tell if it was before or after