Yes, it's true! In January I got a new desktop to replace the old laptop as my main PC, and now I've replaced the laptop with a shiny new MacBook. The new lappy is a 2.0 GHz Intel Core Duo, 2 GB of RAM (currently 512 MB, more RAM installed tomorrow), 60 GB hard drive, and a DVD+/- R/RW Superdrive. It came with a program called Parallels for free which, if you haven't heard, allows you to run XP along-side OS X without restarting the computer. That will be up and running in the near future. Once all of the networking is set up and I add the hard drive that I bought in the recent woot-off as network attached storage, I will have a pretty impressive setup. Comments welcome.
Nice laptop! My next will be a Mac for sure...forget PC and their viruses! Do you mind if we get some $$$ figures?
Price isn't too much of a secret, apple only offers a set amount of options. Anyway, This is the 2.0GHz White MacBook, standard price from apple.com is $1299 (plus tax). I paid $1294, got Parallels for free, and didn't pay tax @ maczone.com. If you are considering buying one, make sure you shop around, resellers often offer rebates.
Quote Eric: "This is the 2.0GHz White MacBook"
Are the black ones cheaper?
The black one is $200 more expensive, actually. The only difference other than color is a 20GB bigger hard drive. Definitely not worth it in my opinion.
Yeah but the black ones stop working after two weeks. HAHA. I want a black one so I can oppress it and tell it who is boss.
Seriously though, I love Macs...I'm just not too familiar with their lingo and setups. Is maczone the best you found?
The day that I bought it, yes, it was the best deal. I would still shop around though. Here's Apple's authorized list of resellers.
By the way, since I have a new address book that syncs nicely with my phone, can everyone please email me their info? I need new addresses, phone #'s, and email. Send it to me at emoose77 at gmail.com.
What is your opinion on the Mac Mini? I am able to hook a computer to my new Plasma and use it as a monitor, so I was looking at the Mini. Just wanted to know what you thought about it.
The mini is perfect for use as a media center to play music, movies, and streaming media from the internet. Get yourself a bluetooth keyboard and mouse and a wireless router, and you'll never have to leave the couch (not to mention OS X has a nice voice command feature). I'm technically doing the same thing with the macbook when I'm home, playing my media through the big tv and stereo, except I don't have quite the display quality that you have now.
HAHA...if only I could afford a butler...
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