Thursday, October 26, 2006

Halloween Preview

Here's my costume as of tonight, all I have to do is spray my hair white, get a sign and a whistle. I've included a second picture for comparison.

Oh hell yeah, I'm Mr. 2-Bits... I don't care if no one is going to know who I am at the party we're going to, because this is freaking dead on!


Leighton said...

HAHA...I love it. Very clever and original...well done!

Nick D said...
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Nick D said...

Well done sir...Im pretty impressed you should print out a picture and carry it with you to prove your likeness. Just develope that fupa a bit more and your twins. I will post my picture later. It involved a black cloak with white and black facepaint. Either way i just want to be around girls wearing slutty outfits. Shibby. I posted something in the wrong spot had to delete it.

Logan said...

Very Nice! I may have to do the same...seeing that we will not see each other.

Yeah, Im not creative.

Oh and by the way...We are having a Halloween Party on Tuesday night at our apt here in Ft. Myers. Everyone is welcome although I'm sure no one will come. :(