Saturday, September 16, 2006

Hootie Concert

Hey everyone, we just got back from seeing Hootie and the Blowfish with Better Than Ezra opening at the Ford Amphitheater. What a great concert! I was really surprised with Better Than Ezra, they played for a solid hour and sounded awesome. The lead singer is also quite funny. I was surprised to know more of their songs other than "Good", which was quite popular when the first came out. Hootie played all their most popular stuff along with a bunch of others and even some covers. Notable covers include Stone Temple Pilot's "Interstate Love Song", REM's "Losing My Religion", and Cheap Trick's "Surrender". I took some videos with my camera and phone, but I won't post them for fear of copyright infringement on youtube.

Anyway, I hope everyone has a good weekend, and make sure you've got a TV to be in front of tomorrow night (tonight, actually) for the game, Go Gators!

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