Monday, November 13, 2006



Leighton said...

HAHA...that is fucked up...but I like it! Nice Zinna.

Nick D said...

New week new post by a gaytor...see I was right unbelievable...god I hope we pull out a miracle and beat you dicks...I have tried that and it hasnt work so i have resorted to much more cursing and swearing

Nick D said...

On a different note Floyd Meriweather is going to fight De La Hoya...this could be the first boxing match I am actually interested in we need mikey back or something

Nick D said...

Thought you might like this Rory i almost fell out of my chair laughing its clever...This is a post by somebody on our message boards for FSU..."I may not know how to cook it, but I can sure taste when the food is shitty"...referring to our football team

Anonymous said...

Haha, thats funny. For real though, I "almost" feel bad for FSU fans. I can't imagine being .500 this late in the season and still not knowing if my team is bowl eligible. Shit, the way the schedule looks, you guys may end the season 6-6. Thats one 6 away from Hell.

Look at the brightside, you have a a lot of true freshman playing, so you all should have some nice experience for next year (especially on D).

Nick D said...

Haha thanks for the almost its all I could hope for cuz i would feel the same way for you. U clever bastard I think this is hell though. Yea thats what I tell myself to with the experience thing lets hope our "coaches" can make something good of it. Can our D just play Offense as well??? I think it would make for closer scores.