Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Anyone looking for a Job?

The Company that I work for when I am not on the boat is looking for another computer guy. We are growing too fast for the programmers to keep up. Here is the listing:


Nick D said...

Yes please submit my resume as follows:
1. Used MSDOS as a kid
2. Been downloading porn much of my life.
3. Use of word and excel daily
4. Visits complicated sites such as blogger, facebook and hotmail.
5. Is a god of online fantasy sports.
6. Been watching Eric and Jae post dorky computer comments for many years.
7. Known logan since 6th grade...that right there is the clincher logan make that your number one selling point

Nick D.....OUT

Amanda said...

I bet it's probably the booze

Logan said...

I want to know when Aaron started waking up before noon!

Adam said...

Damn you and fantasy sports!!! I will win this stupid NASCAR league if it is the last thing I do. I can't help it that some hoser wrecks half my team in the first 20 laps every week. You are an ass.