Thursday, September 07, 2006

Vegas Roomie...

So which guys are going to Vegas? I would obviously like to have three other roomies to share a room with to split the cost. So who out there is going that I could room with!?


Nick D said...

Well its not looking to good for me im only able to get one day off since i started so late and im already using it for thanksgiving. I do have a discretionary day but i have to talk to work and see how busy we are around that prob going to have to wait until the end of the month to see how i sit to answer your question leighton i would want to room with ya key club style but i just cant make the call for another 2 weeks so fill up the spots if you can i will sort it out

Eric said...

Nick, I nearly had to take out a loan to do this, so you better drag your best man ass to Vegas. You're supposed to be planning the bachelor party action anyway. Call in sick if you have to.

To answer the post's question, our room only has one bed, sorry.

Logan said...

Don't you worry about the bachelor party, The Nick has that aaaaallllll taken care of ;-)

Oh and I can't make it to vegas, sorry guys.

Alex said...

Can't make it to Vegas.

Leighton said...

Well then the outlook doesn't look very good for me either then. I can't exactly get a room by myself...

Nick D said...

yes dont worry eric just keep urself available for wednesday before thanksgiving iv already began planning dont and the real deal beal have been tossing ideas around...these three things i know are true...1) no girls come with us nor will they be meating us anywhere 2) it will be fun as hell 3) BOOOZE BOOOZE BOOOZE

Logan said...

yea, you know how we do...

Anonymous said...

I helped toss some of those ideas around too....while Nick was tossing Logan's salad.

Jae said...

Let me chime in here and say that I won't participate in anything involving naked ladies. Sorry if that was in your plan but I don't intend to be neck deep in it for the rest of my life because of one night. I am, however, all for the booze.

Nick D said...

we wont put u in neck deep dont worry my friend...but i know eric the horn dog is looking for something so we may have to make a special stop for him as in eric i mean logan and rory

Logan said...

We won't get you in trouble. That is of course if "horn dog eric" will keep his mouth shut! Also, think of it this way...If you stand on your head, you will only be ankle deep!

Nick D said...

very clever logan i like your style...i laughed out loud for like 5 min...remember "chance favors the prepared mind"

Jae said...

Well I will just stay outside of any "special stops" while "Eric" gets his rocks off.

Eric said...

I wish I knew what you're all talking about. It's customary for the best man to plan the bachelor party, and that's all I said. What's the deal with all this "horn dog Eric" stuff? And Jae, who's going to know what we do? Is Jenny going to make you carry a video camera around? What happens in Vegas... you know the rest.

Nick D said...

All valid points by the horn dog nicely done sir...eric dont be ashamed we all know you frequent cheetahs its ok its an addiction its not you we can help...

Jae said...

They aren't talking about Vegas (I don't think), they're talking about the Wed. before the wedding. I don't know your personal preference, but I prefer not to lie to my significant other :P.

Anyway, I figure Vegas will be a big group thing anyway, except when I'm at the craps table, then you all can f*** off, ha. Who is playin' craps w/ me?

Nick D said...

yes jae that is correct b4 the is my novice advice bet on the cum line...YESSSSSS

Eric said...

Prefer to lie? That's a hurtful thing to say, Jae. a)She would know what happened b/c I'd tell her, and b)there's a certain level of trust there to know nothing is going to happen. I'll leave it at that. :P. Now lets get off of this subject and start talking all these people into going.

Chris said...

From now on we refer to strip clubs as "the craps table"

Anonymous said...

Dude, we are going to have a fun filled night! Just remember, going to a "the craps table" isn't the same as doing the "dealer." Lord knows, none of us want you to cheat at the "crap's table" either. I'm confused though, who is "horndog Eric?"

Leighton said...

I have to work the day after Thanksgiving...but I gotta get down to B-town for "the craps table!" And I definitly will be trying to do the "dealer." HAHA WOOHOO!...j/k kidding by the way.

Nick D said...

i dont know who the dealer is but im pumped about that sounds exiting long as its a hot chick..